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Causes: Health, Public Health

Mission: ASD addresses the need to support the 1.2 billion people who do not have access to water and the 3-5 million people dying of water related diseases per year. ASDs award-winning social entrepreneurial model provides innovative solutions to improve community health, alleviate poverty and create economic opportunity for the under-served through the creation of self-reliant community-led water service centers that can identify, plan, design, implement and maintain their own water technologies using environmentally and financially sustainable practices. Focusing on Women as Water Stewards is one of the key strategies to ensure programs are gender sensitive and include women in all aspects of the decision-making and in most cases with our programs, a majority are often led by women.

Results: Since our founding in 2006:  *Over 125,000 people have improved access to clean water and/or sanitation  *Over 60 projects launched  *Over 1,200 people trained in appropriate and sustainable water and  sanitation solutions,  the majority are women*Nine training organizations have begun offering Water,  Sanitation,  and Hygiene (WASH) strategies and technology trainings* Most projects are self‐reliant,  income generating projects livelihood projects* Gemma Bulos Founder/Executive Director winner of the Ernst Young and Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2009* Gemma Bulos awarded one of the “Best Emerging Social Entrpreneurs of 2007” by Echoing Green Fellowship 

Target demographics: ASD works with all sectors of the community to provide clean water and sanitation technologies and education. ASD trains women to implement and maintain water service projects and be Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Educators in their communities. ASD also strengthens women as leaders of WASH Projects in their communities as well as employing a majority of women as ASD managers, trainers and facilitators.

Direct beneficiaries per year: In our 3rd year of operation, because of our community development model, our impact beneficiaries tripled from 38,000 to 125,00

Geographic areas served: Philippines, 11 Countries in Africa

Programs: 1) Women Water Stewards - Transforming Women’s Burdens Into Opportunities2) Water PODS (People Offering Deliverable Services) - Uniting Communities Through Water Self-Reliance PODS are independent, income-generating education and service centers that design sustainable water service programs to self-fun their own community development. 3) WASH Education and Outreach - Comprehensive Integrated approach to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene that approaches WASH holistically and provides easy solutions for behavior changes that have significant impacts. 4) Greywater Action in the USA works primarily in Northern California to conserve water by reusing Greywater that flows down sink, shower, and washing machine drains for home food gardens.

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

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