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Causes: Health, Reproductive Health Care, Reproductive Rights

Mission: Adagio Health promotes the reproductive health and overall well-being of women of all ages, their families and their communities by providing health care services and educational programs that are responsive and creative.

Results: We provide comprehensive gynecological care to more than 78,000 women in western Pennsylvania each year. Our prenatal and obstetric services result in the delivery of more than 1,100 babies each year. Through HealthyWomen, a program of the Pennsylvania Department of Health for which Adagio Health is the statewide adminstrator, nearly 3,000 women in western PA and more than 8,000 women statewide receive breast and cervical screening. In addition, our WIC Supplemental Nutrition Program brings healthy foods and nutrition counseling to more than 12,000 clients each month. Our Healthy Start House provides a safe environment and supportive services to homeless women and their children. Health Start House provides transitional housing to approximately 50 residents each year. Adagio Health’s Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) reaches nearly 40,000 youth annually with information on health-related topics including pregnancy prevention, decision-making and HIV prevention.

Target demographics: Women and families as well as special programs for teens.

Direct beneficiaries per year: women, families, teens

Geographic areas served: Western Pennsylvania

Programs: The Adagio Health network of health care providers serves over 78,000 women each year, providing comprehensive gynecological care including a wide range of birth control options conveniently located on site and preventive health education. Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are also available both for women and men. Comprehensive pregnancy care from the initial prenatal visit through delivery is provided, as are additional services as needed, including nutrition counseling and referrals for home medical visits, transportation assistance and parenting classes.
960 Penn Ave Ste 600, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
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