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Causes: Farmland Preservation, Food, Food Programs, Human Services, Nutrition

Mission: Local Foods Connection is a non-profit food relief agency based in Iowa City, Iowa. We purchase food items from local farmers and donate these goods to families whose economic or social status prevent them from enjoying such nutritious, tasty and fresh foods. We also provide opportunities for our adopted families to visit the farms and to learn healthy cooking methods.

Geographic areas served: Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa

Programs: Local Foods Connection works with families who, throughout a four to five month period, are committed to preparing good, healthy meals using our donated produce. We are matched with families who care about what they eat and the environment in which they live with the help of local charitable, religious, and social service organizations. Once a family has been adopted, Adopt-A-Family coordinates food delivery, plans a family excursion to one of the farms, and introduces the families to small family farming and sustainable agriculture.
PO Box 2821, Iowa City, IA 52244
Iowa City
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