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Mission: Alabama Childhood Food shall develop solutions for food insecurity that can be applies in a community, tested for effeciveness and duplicated in other communities.

Results: Over the past four years ACFS has provided over one half million weekend bags of food to Children in five counties in Central Alabama

Target demographics: elementary children, starving seniors and extreme food insecure families

Direct beneficiaries per year: ACFS provided 102,000 backpacks of food in 2016 that shared seven meals and snacks in 38 schools to food insecure kids. In addition ACFS shared 600,000 pound of food to food insecure seniors, homeless and single parent families.

Geographic areas served: Central Alabama

Programs: a food support back pack program in thirty eight schools, senior weekend food bags and a monthly food distribution to extreme food insecure families in a five county area of Alabama.
205 Old Home Place, Alpine, AL 35150
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