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Causes: Civil Liberties, Civil Rights

Mission: To keep the doors open for the gospel by advocating for religious freedom, sanctity of life, and marriage and the family.

Programs: Legal advocacy: alliance defending freedom (adf) is an alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith. Adf champions god-given freedoms that allow for human flourishing while affirming the dignity of every person. Adf exists to facilitate an alliance of like-minded influencers from every sphere of the public square affecting law and culture, and to mobilize this alliance to protect the core values of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family. Adf offers exceptional legal advocacy and expertise through our 62 attorneys based out of adf headquarters in arizona, as well as offices in georgia, washington d. C. , and around the world. Together with a network of 3,200-strong allied attorneys, adf has a nearly 80% success rate in our cases, and has achieved seven direct legal advocacy victories at the u. S. Supreme court. Adf works with over 1000 allied organizations to create effective strategies for establishing critical legal precedents to preserve religious liberty in state courts, federal courts, and the supreme court, as well as international courts and governing bodies including the european court of human rights and the united nations. Adf serves our network of allies by providing training, coordination, funding, legal expertise, and litigation services in support of our allied attorneys, church and parachurch organization leaders, legislators and legislative staff members, business leaders, clients, student leaders, and other key allies.

public education: adf provides information to the public regarding the importance of government recognition of freedom of religion, the sanctity of every human life, and the values of marriage and family in the united states and throughout the world. This is done through the use of printed materials, mailings, email alerts, websites, blogs, op-eds, social media, webinars, media and personal appearances, and events. The intent of adf public education is to inform and raise awareness of the following: the intent of the founders of the constitution of the united states and the bill of rights to reflect natural law; entities that seek to distort or repurpose the constitution's original meaning; u. S. And international challenges to religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and family values; and how and where civil liberties have been jeopardized or thwarted and the efforts of adf and its allies to reclaim those freedoms. Adf public education efforts also serve to recruit potential allies and to highlight the advocacy work of the alliance in order to position ourselves to serve as the first line of defense for individuals and organizations whose religious freedom is at risk. Adf also requests that the recipients of these educational communications remember its activities in prayer and provides information and details to assist them in intentional and purposeful prayer.

allied support and training: as an alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith, alliance defending freedom (adf) is committed to equipping allies to defend and promote religious liberty to the best of their ability, and to transform law and culture so true freedom can flourish. To this end, adf offers world-class training for christian attorneys and professionals, for law students, and for college students interested in pursuing a career in law, public policy, government, business, and other culture-shaping fields. Through the adf summit on religious liberty, practicing attorneys, legal advocates, business leaders, entrepreneurs, clergy, policy leaders, and media leaders are invited to participate in world-class training, strategy, and networking sessions around the world. More than 2,042 u. S. And international attorneys have completed the adf religious liberty summit training, and 3,214 adf allied attorneys have volunteered pro bono legal advocacy services to local and international communities valued at over $206 million. This amount is far in excess of the cost of the program. Most u. S. State bars accept accreditation for portions of the legal advocacy training with continuing legal education credit. Through the blackstone legal fellowship, adf provides training to top christian law students from around the world on natural law, constitutional jurisprudence, and the history of religious liberty subjects that currently suffer much neglect in prominent law programs across the united states and internationally. The blackstone legal fellowship equips these students to adhere to the practice of their faith in the legal profession, an arena often hostile to christianity. The program consists of courses taught by prominent lecturers, internships around the world with some of adf's most influential allied partners, and professional career placement services. To date, 1962 students have graduated from the blackstone legal fellowship, representing 227 law schools. Adf offers a similar training through the arete academy to college and university students who seek to live out their faith in the fields of law, government, public policy, and business. To date, 743 students from top colleges and universities worldwide have participated in arete academy, many of whom go on to attend the blackstone legal fellowship during law school. The academy equips students with the character, competence, and credentials to excel in their chosen field. .

grants and funding: adf provides grant funding for legal cases and programs that keep the door open for the gospel by advocating for religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family. This grant funding covers expenses for litigation, including training for expert witnesses and acquiring strong amicus brief support for our cases to ensure the best possibility of success. Grant requests are reviewed and recommended by an independent grants and review committee, which is comprised of expert volunteer attorneys. Under the governing board of director's policy, no grant is awarded until it is fully funded and set aside in self-designated accounts. Grants are disbursed upon performance and in accordance with the terms of the grant agreements. As of this writing, adf has issued more than 3,100 grants totaling over $46 million.
15100 N 90th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Civil Rights
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