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Causes: Adult Education, Education

Mission: The primary objective of the altshuller institute is the advancement of the theory of inventive problem solving (triz) and the allied arts and sciences, and maintenance of high professional standing among its members. The institute shall have the following purposes: to create, promote, and stimulate interest in the advancement and knowledge of the art and science or triz and its application. To promote unity, effectiveness of effort, and ethical professional conduct among those who are devoting themselves to the theory and practice of triz or the allied arts and sciences. To provide , through necessary and convenient facilities, for the holding of conferences, conventions, and other meetings of its members for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the development, applecation, and use of triz principles and the allied arts and sciences. To publish and distribute books, pamphlets, periodicals, literature, and other printed matter devoted to the theory and practice of triz and the all

Programs: Annual symposium and conference - the annual conference brings together renowned triz masters, specialists, practitioners, as well as new members from technology and industry to learn triz and share knowledge and lastest discoveries in the field.

the bookstore - the bookstore serves as a resource center for triz training, body of knowledge, classic works by genrich altshuller and other leading triz masters books and publications.

certification program certification of triz was enacted by genrikh altshuller at the founding of the altshuller institute (ai). The objectives are: to provide a seal of quality that will make consumers of various triz services feel confident that they are dealing with knowledgeable triz person. To help establish definitions of the triz knowledge content, as well as the scope and boundaries of that content. To provide recognition for triz training curricula that complies with the highest standards of contemporary triz education.
100 Barber Avenue, Worcester, MA 01606
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