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Causes: Birth Defects & Genetic Diseases, Health, Patient & Family Support

Mission: Our mission is to help ease the financial, emotional and social burdens that Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Childhood Acquired Heart Disease places upon a family, while providing comfort to children as they cope with the extended hospital stays, often associated with their illness.

Results: Angel’s Pediatric Heart House makes hospital visits to Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Hollywood, FL; Miami Children’s Hospital and Holtz Children’s Hospital/UM Jackson Medical Center in Miami. We provide hospitalized cardiac children with a Heart Shadow Buddy™ and meal vouchers for parents, while also providing financial aid to families on a case-by-case basis.

Target demographics: Angel's Pediatric Heart House serves families of newborn children to age 18 affected by congenital heart defects who reside in Broward, Palm Beach or Dade Counties, Florida or who are being treated at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital, Miami Children's Hospital or Holtz Children's Hospital/Jackson Memorial in Florida.

Direct beneficiaries per year: close to 300 CHD hospitalized cardiac children and their parents.

Geographic areas served: South Florida

Programs: Emergency Financial aid to help ease the financial, emotional and social burdens that Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Childhood Acquired Heart Disease places upon a family, while providing comfort to children as they cope with the extended hospital stays, often associated with their illness. Angel’s Pediatric Heart House makes hospital visits to Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Hollywood, FL; Miami Children’s Hospital and Holtz Children’s Hospital/UM Jackson Medical Center in Miami. We provide hospitalized cardiac children with a Heart Shadow Buddy™ and meal vouchers for parents, while also providing financial aid to families on a case-by-case basis. Peer-to-peer supportCommunity awareness

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

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