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Causes: Education, Undergraduate Colleges

Mission: To prepare students in a bible-centered environment for effective christian life, service, and leadership.

Programs: Student aid:the overall objective for barclay college is to prepare students in a bible-centered environment for effective christian life, service, and leadership. To help accomplish this objective, the college provides financial aid for qualifying students. The aid allows students to pursue their academic goals at a more affordable cost. The college provided federal financial aid for 318 students during the 2016-17 fiscal year.

student instruction:the overall objective for barclay college is to prepare students in a bible-centered environment for effective christian life, service, and leadership. To accomplish this objective, the college admits students, hires qualified instructors, and establishes a schedule of classes imparting material useful for those so trained. How well the training occurs is measured each semester by the evaluation of assignments and examinations, and through a college wide assessment program that reviews all aspects of the college. Sample student work is collected in a student learning portfolio. Evaluations are made of each instructor and class. Overall objectives of the college are reviewed on a regular basis. Classes are offered in two regular semesters running from august to december and from january to may. Distance education classes are offered through an online degree completion program, through an on-site degree completion program, and through home college (correspondence classes). The college employs 13 full-time instructors, has 7 instructors who administer the college and teach, and 23 adjunct instructors teaching part-time. The total headcount for the 2016-2017 school year is as follows:fall 2016-292; spring 2017-277.

auxiliary enterprises:the overall objective for barclay college is to prepare students in a bible-centered environment for effective christian life, service, and leadership. To help accomplish this objective, the college provides room and board for on-campus students. The college provided room and board for students during the 2016-17 year as follows:fall 2016-132; spring 2017-118.

operations and maintenance of facility
607 N Kingman St, Haviland, KS 67059
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