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Causes: Adoption, Arts & Culture, Children & Youth, Counseling, Humanities, Mental Health, Sexual Assault Services

Mission: Changing the Face of Adoption, Supporting Families, Honoring Motherhood, Cherishing Life, Loving KidsBirth Mom Missions is a nonprofit organization created and managed by actual birth mothers of adoption.
We provide a much needed service to women who have placed their child for adoption. There is also an overlooked service to single pregnant woman (one that is pro-life and not on board with an adoption agency) No matter what the result of a woman''s adoption decision or her opinion on it today, this is meant to be a place for her to come and know that she is loved and has a special place in our hearts.
The mission touches the lives of those adopted, adoptive parents, hopeful adoptive parents, pregnant woman at risk, and the unborn and other parts of society in ways yet to be seen.

A mother''s love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking.

Results: Changing the Face of Adoption, Supporting Families, Honoring Motherhood, Cherishing Life, Loving KidsWe have saved many lives from abortion. And we have found a community of women who share similar experiences and are able to process and grieve the loss of adoption. Made many adoptive children aware they are loved by their first mother.

Target demographics: The mission touches the lives of those adopted, adoptive parents, hopeful adoptive parents, pregnant woman at risk, and the unborn and other parts of society in ways yet to be seen. (Options to birthmom: lifemom, firstmom, tummymom, etc. . . In actuality most birth moms of adoption don't really care what they are called by the adoptive family and others. . . . as long as they are called. )

Direct beneficiaries per year: 4,000 moms and families

Geographic areas served: USA

for the birth moms, life moms, belly moms, whatever moms! Go to the private network link.

For all the Birth Mother's of Adop­tion out there. . . You are loved!

With 2.2 Mil­lion adoptees in the world, and 87% from America. . . there are a lot of us out there!
Hey Birth Moms! Check out and join Birth Mom Missions!

It is dif­fi­cult to gen­er­al­ize about the feel­ings or expe­ri­ences of all birth par­ents. Each has faced a unique expe­ri­ence and coped in his or her own way. A num­ber of birth par­ents have writ­ten per­sonal accounts of their expe­ri­ences in plac­ing their chil­dren for adop­tion; there are also a few research stud­ies of the expe­ri­ences of birth par­ents and the emo­tions that often linger long after the adop­tion. Cer­tain themes emerge in both types of lit­er­a­ture, includ­ing themes of loss, guilt, and res­o­lu­tion. As a frame­work for this dis­cus­sion, this fact­sheet explores the expe­ri­ences of birth par­ents by explor­ing some of these themes:

Table of Contents
Birth Mom Missions is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c)(3), non-profit corporation. We hold ourselves accountable to donors, supporters, churches and foundations to use the resources they contribute wisely, responsibly and in service of our mission.
4273 Snow Goose Trail, Arliigton, TX 76005
Arts & Culture
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