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Mission: To bring about economic empowerment and effective leadership for the african american community through education and recognition with emphasis of youth education, mentoring and employment.

Programs: Project mister programindividual breakfast group members meet weekly with project mister youth for dialog and direction. This provides an opportunity for members to interact with the youth in an exchange of experiences, advice on career planning and numerous other topics which are initiated by the youth. Education and career planning along with employment opportunities and preparation for employment are always key topics in the sessions. The sessions are conducted at two alternative high schools in seattle wa with 20-30 students in each class each with an instructor. Community necktie projectthe project is an offshoot of the tie-one-on program. In 1996 a local necktie manufacturer, mallory & church, developed a partnership with the breakfast group to provide neckties for the event. This led to the development of the project which includes a necktie design contest for the project mister students. With the winning design being manufactured and provided for the participants at the event. The project also includes a marketing component in which the youth, staff and the breakfast group members sell the neckties with the proceeds going back to the program. This is an excellent program that introduces the youth to the basics of production, marketing and sale of a product.

scholarship programs (all achievers program)the breakfast group scholarship program is directed primarily at low-income youth who are recommended by counselors and principals at the 16 public high schools. Scholarship awardees are selected from a pool of candidates submitted by the schools. A scholarship committee selects the awardees based on the quality of the criteria presented by each candidate. Key selection elements are grade point average, community activities, extra-curricular school activities, letter of recommendation, and a written essay. The number of scholarships is based on the funds available from breakfast group fund raising efforts. Most scholarship awards are for one year- $1,000 for 4 year institutions; $500 for a 2 year college. Several legacy awards are given to the highest achievers. These awards are for 4 years at $1,000 per year provided the student maintains a grade point average of 2.5 or better.

tie-one-on programafrican american youth from project mister (alternative high schools) are invited to join the breakfast group members and other business persons and professional who act as mentors for the youth during the luncheon. The luncheon features and inspirational speaker and students are encouraged to take advantage of the adult contact and arrange follow up calls for assistance obtaining employment and career guidance. Each young man is provided with a necktie and a pair of hard-soled shoes to help prepare him for job interviews. The event culminates with the mentors assisting the young men in tying the necktie.

roots family picnic - closing the generation gapthe roots picnic is an inter-generational event in support of the black pioneers in the community. We recognized the leadership provided by the elders in the community and encourage the youth to respect and seek guidance from the elders. This event is attended by more than 500 individuals, including a large number of elders and youth.

all achievers programan annual event which recognizes high school age african american young men who have made significant changes in their lives affecting their participation and achievement in school and the community. The young men are accompanied by their parents and the program features an inspirational speaker and individual recognition for each participant. These youth are encouraged to continue their education beyond high school. Scholarships and book stipends are offered to all students who enroll in college.
Po Box 18334, Seattle, WA 98118
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