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Causes: Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Research, Cancer, Cancer Research, Health

Mission: BCH is a GuideStar Platinum Certified, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, Founder & President of Breast Cancer Hub, a Distinguished Cancer Scientist-Research Professor, resigned from her career to create & grow BCH as a Full-time Pro-bono voluntary service, with a dream to save lives by making impactful sustainable changes working at the grassroots level by bridging the gap between the Developed & the Developing Countries. VISION: Grassroots Sustainable Solutions Saving Lives Globally. SAVER – Save Lives by Awareness, Volunteering, Education, and Research. MISSION: BCH focuses on BREAST CANCER in WOMEN, MEN & LGBTQ+ and supports ALL TYPES OF CANCER, through its Mission of Awareness, Education; Research; Community Outreaches; Screening Camps; Support Groups, Advocacy & Patient Counseling; Adopting Villages for door-to-door Cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment aid & management; Financial Treatment Aid for the underprivileged populace; Covid-19 Relief & Support; and Mentorship Programs to create Community Leaders. Please check the website www. breastcancerhub. org to learn how BCH is driving a Change, Making a Global Impact. Funding Source: Support from “Kindhearted” donors from our community members. Every Penny Counts. All the services are Free of Cost and all donations are strictly driven towards the Mission. The minimal Admin/Management expenses BCH incurs come from our members donating specifically to the Admin/Management cost. Therefore, BCH can proudly drive 100% of donations towards the Mission based on Donor’s Bucket of Choice. BCH Tax filings and financial reports posted on our website: https://www. breastcancerhub. org/donate

Results: BCH's Grassroots sustainable solutions help save lives every day. We have helped save innumerable lives by helping them to be detected early, analyzing the reports, navigating suspicious cases towards healthcare facilities and affordable options for the underprivileged & uninsured populace & making sure that no one goes untreated. We have follow-ups from patients as we personally provide scientific counselling and Dr Das Roy shares her contact & takes accountability. Under village adoption program, through our Door to door Cancer screening, Treatment management, & Palliative Care. The population was ~100% NOT AWARE on Cancer signs & symptoms. After our penetration, everyone is alert & mindful, reaching out to us with any abnormalities immediately. We take the suspicious cases for further diagnosis. BCH has become the bridge to connect with healthcare system, providing transport, treatment care & counseling. We monitor & manage each patient individually. Anti-Tobacco Campaign is another domain we are making huge progress. BCH Patient treatment Aid serves the underprivileged in utmost need with diligent follow-ups of the Aid utilization. Currently serving Africa, India and other developing countries. In addition, BCH has touched the lives of endless lives worldwide creating awareness on Early Detection & Preventable measures to Cancer. BCH Research is helping change healthcare policies at the grassroots level. BCH Support Groups provide counseling & treatment guidance, serving patients in need

Target demographics: WE SERVE EVERYONE WITH EQUALITY. We Stand Against Discrimination of Color, Religion, Language & Culture.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 1) 300+ Global community outreaches (in-person/virtual), ~9000 individuals' direct impact, Countless indirect reach; 2) Eleven Villages adopted: 2,139 families & 8,146 individuals received 1:1 awareness and cancer screening. 116 Suspicious cases of Breast, Cervical, Oral & other cancers taken to Cancer hospital & followed up with treatment aid, management & counseling, monitoring each patient individually. 3) Patient treatment Aid - 186 cases with Breast, Childhood & other types of Cancer treatment/screening, underprivileged sectors in developing countries; 4) ~1500+ patients/family members receiving patient and treatment counselling via email/phone 1:1; 5) ~4200 received counseling through community outreaches post sessions 6) Covid - 19 response in India: 4,289 individuals were provided food relief during lockdown & 308 with Masks; 7) Support Groups: Patient one-on-one counseling and Global BCH Support Groups in-person & Virtual for emotional support, counseling & treatment guidance


Programs: Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), is a GuideStar Platinum Certified, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, registered in North Carolina, USA in September 2017.VISION: Grassroots Sustainable Solutions Saving Lives Globally. SAVER - Save Lives by Awareness, Volunteering, Education and Research. MISSION: We fight BREAST CANCER in WOMEN, MEN & LGBTQ+. We stand together against ALL TYPES OF CANCER via our BCH WINGS – CANCER HUBS with the following GOALS:1) Early Detection & Prevention - Awareness, Education, Scientific Seminars, Early Detection Screening Cards, Cancer Articles, Informational Videos - BCH generates the one-stop Life-saving Cards, Research papers, educational videos in simple layman’s terms to empower everyone about the symptoms of Cancer, help detect early and treat accurately. 2) Community Outreaches & Cancer screening camps – We save innumerable lives each day by helping to be detected early, analyzing the reports, navigating suspicious cases towards healthcare facilities & affordable options for the underprivileged & uninsured populace. We have follow-ups from patients as Dr. Das Roy shares her contacts during the outreaches & provides scientific counseling for each patient reaching out. 3) Adopting Villages - BCH IS THE PIONEER: Penetrating deeper, going to each member, each household, maintaining database & follow-ups, for Cancer screening, Treatment management & support, Palliative care & Counseling. We monitor & manage each patient individually, case by case. 4) Support Groups & Counseling: a) We provide scientific analysis of the cancer diagnosis & treatment; b) We publish stories & interviews of Cancer advocates in local languages to inspire others fighting Cancer; c) Our Global Support Groups are emotionally connected as we stand for each other. 5) Patient Treatment Bucket: Aids the underprivileged populace in poverty especially in the developing countries with diligent follow-ups of the financial assistance utilization, currently serving Africa and India. 6) Research: BCH penetrates into the untapped sectors for substantial impactful scientific analysis, working towards changing healthcare policies, providing sustainable solutions, need of the hour to help the community. BCH Cancer Research (Clinical data analysis & Epidemiological Research Study) is approved by Institutional Review Board (IRB, USA), & Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC, INDIA)7) Covid -19 Response: 1545 Masks made & donated to 26 organizations in the USA. Executed Covid-Awareness sessions Globally, and in India - distributed Masks, Sanitizers, generated safety protocols and provided Food Relief to 674 Families (4289 villagers starving & in utmost need) (1st & 2nd Wave) in the BCH adopted villages in addition to building a Comprehensive list of Covid-19 Treatment Infrastructure Resources for India during 2nd Wave. 8) Leadership Programs: Dr. Das Roy inculcates the art of scientific thinking & thought leadership in the students, helping with their careers and motivating them to serve the community as leaders executing impactful roles as Volunteers, Ambassadors & Interns. FUNDING SOURCE: Donations from “Kindhearted” people. Every Penny Counts. All our services are free of cost & All donations strictly driven towards our mission. Operating expenses are limited to logistics solely needed to execute BCH Goals and Projects. The minimal Admin/Management cost BCH incurs comes from our members specifically donating to the Admin cost. Therefore, we can proudly drive 100% of Public donations towards the Mission based on our Donor's bucket of choice. #TogetherWeSaveLives #BreakTheBreastTaboo #BreakTheCancerTaboo #CancerIsNotContagious #KnowYourBodyFOUNDER & PRESIDENT: Dr Lopamudra Das Roy (Distinguished Cancer Scientist-Research Professor) resigned from her career to create & grow BCH as Full-time service (Pro bono - No Salary), with a dream to save lives by making impactful sustainable changes working at the grassroots level by bridging the gap between the Developed & the Developing Countries.
9637 Camden Town Dr Nw, Concord, NC 28027
Breast Cancer
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