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Mission: Advance the good of the city. Magnify the mission of Jesus. Unleash the capability of underestimated people.

Results: Summary Report for 2021Although 2021 continued to prove challenging, God stepped in to make All Things New with much restoration and renewal in the city of Cleveland!EQUIPPING CITY MINISTRY LEADERSBHITC seeks to unleash the capability of nontraditional church planters, neighborhood catalysts, and ministry entrepreneurs. 2021 achievements included:
•64 new volunteers incorporated into city ministry, while 336 regular volunteers continued to participate in loving and serving our city and neighbors.
•$207,685 in labor value invested by our committed volunteers.
•227 local Cleveland citizens received training in city, cross-cultural, and Christian Community Development ministry.
•LIFT (Leaders in Faith Together) launched with an inaugural group of 5 city ministry leaders. Participants receive coaching, strategy building, and workshop training.
•1 new church partner participated in our Urban Immersion Experience, with team members engaging with 5 community ministry partners to learn about serving and working in the city.
•Ward 14 Faith Leaders Collaborative launched, uniting pastors and faith leaders to dream together for their neighborhoods. In collaboration with Councilwoman Jasmin Santana, this effort brings together over 30 faith leaders and 20 faith communities and will continue to meet monthly in 2022.STRENGTHENING NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORHOODSBHITC strives to invest deeply in Cleveland’s Clark-Fulton and Stockyards (CFSY) communities by renovating homes, investing in tenants, and building relationships with neighbors to encourage hope, leadership, and faith. 2021 efforts included:
•Acquired our 8th home for renovations, with plans for a 2022 completion. Over 30 tenants have lived in our homes and been helped with transitions to stability and advancement in personal life goals and dreams.
•Planted 3rd community orchard on land we own, in collaboration with Common Orchard Project, planting 18 new trees that will soon bear fruit for the community to enjoy. We also added in 238 herbaceous perennials at our first two orchards, along with 62 berry and fig plants.
•Rally CLE hosted 12 community improvement projects in CFSY led by neighborhood leaders, including community clean ups, garden installations, and celebrations. Over 750 neighbors, volunteers, and partners participated, with over $40,000 invested in CFSY.
•Engaged more than 80 children through Education Enrichment opportunities that included learning pods, art classes, and afterschool and summer enrichment programming.
•Blessed 90 families and 270 children through the annual Christmas Store of Hope, where over 2,100 new gifts (valued at more than $30,000) were sold at drastically reduced prices, bringing dignity to low-income families.
•Partnered with Councilwoman Jasmin Santana and Metro West CDC to deliver 600 care kits, including food and hygiene items, to isolated seniors. 20 seniors designed and led community meetings for seniors, including gardening together and poetry

Geographic areas served: Cleveland

Programs: - Volunteer and leader development initiatives. - Urban church planting and the renewal of existing city congregations. - Community Development and neighborhood-based ministries that address the educational, social, cultural and spiritual needs of city residents. - Refugee and immigrant resettlement programs and community development. -Housing development and restoration.
P.O. Box 93568, Cleveland, OH 44101-55
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