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Causes: Community Foundations, Education, Health, Military & Veterans Organizations, Philanthropy, Scholarships, Scholarships & Student Financial Aid, Specialty Hospitals, Veterans

Mission: The Foundation directs our funds to aiding injured soldiers and their family's needs, and encourages selfless commitment to high school athletes towards their schools, community and nation.

Programs: Support and honor those who have served our country in the military. Events held include ribbon cutting & scholarhsip ceremonies, fundraising, army/navy football games supporting army athletics for patients at walter reed and bamc,

scholarships for students who have exemplified the spirit of capt scott corwin in athletics, scholastics, citizenship, and leadership. This year one award was presented.

'portraits for the fallen' paintings for the families of fallen members of the military as a gift from the foundation upon request.

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
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