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Causes: Education, Health, Human Services, International, International Relief, Special Education

Mission: Assisting orphans, needy families, disabled, churches

Programs: Prompting education & a high standard of care for children world wide by: funding learning and therapy programs, benefiting over 250 special needs children.

advancing religion by assisting churches through: bible clubs in orphanages, providing sunday school materials and training, monthly support for 7 pastors and indigenous missionaries, providing funding for indigenous youth ministry teams, funding vbs and other evangelical programs of indigenous churches.

assisting familes: working in partnership with local churches and government departments over 75 families have received assistance with medical needs, home repairs, food parcels, clothing and other material needs.

buildings: assisting a foreign govemenment orphanage in repairing and maintaining its facilities that house 90 special needs children

disabled:eliminating the discrimination of disabled through assisting a center of rehabilitation
2960 Tumbleweed Dr, Bozeman, MT 59715
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