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Causes: Health, Homeless & Housing, Homeless Centers, Homeless Shelters, Hospitals, Human Services, Nursing Facilities, Seniors

Mission: Mission: To provide quality, holistic medical care to homeless individuals who need a safe place to heal, while assisting them in breaking the cycle of homelessness.

Results: RESPITE CARE OUTCOMESThe Center for Respite Care focuses on healing the entire person, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially & spiritually, profoundly affecting the lives of people who are sick and homeless. As a result:1.90% of patients complete their medical plan of care at the Center for Respite Care2.90% of patients leaving Respite Care move into housing or treatment facilities3.94% reduction in hospital readmissions These results far exceed the national average of only 55% of homeless patients of homeless medical respites completing their medical recovery before they leave, and only 30% being discharged to housing or treatment facilities. RESPITE CARE COST EFFECTIVENESS One day at Respite Care is only 5% of the cost of a day in the hospital. RESPITE CARE IMPACT Medical recovery at the Center for Respite Care dramatically reduced readmissions to the hospital due to improper healing. Estimated savings to the community: $10 million annually. RESPITE HOUSING OUTCOMES1.In 2012,92% of housing clients remained stably housed at exit from the Respite Housing Program. 2.92% of clients leaving the program in 2012 had income, and 100% exited with non-cash benefits. RESPITE HOUSING COST EFFECTIVENESS Studies conducted in many cities across the country have reported that chronically homeless people living on the streets and in shelters used on average more than $40,000 in publically funded services per person per year. A study released in June 2011 by Northern Kentucky University showed similar results locally. These studies also indicated that placing a chronically homeless individual in permanent supportive housing reduced these costs dramatically. RESPITE HOUSING IMPACT1.60% reduction in publically funded services for housed clients2.Estimated savings to the community of at least $1 million annually.

Target demographics: homeless men and women with medical issues. We help them to heal in a safe, caring and respectful environment.

Geographic areas served: Greater CIncinnati and Northern Kentucky

Programs: medical recovery care and counseling, as well as support services and housing . With proper healing, Respite Care patient readmissions to the hospital due to improper healing are dramatically reduced, saving the community an estimated $10 million annually. In addition, chronically homeless patients placed in Respite Permanent Supportive Housing results in a 60% reduction in publically funded services for these patients, generating an estimated savings to the community of at least $1 million annually.
PO Box 141301, Cincinnati, OH 45250
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