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Causes: Environment

Mission: Ceres is transforming the economy to build a sustainable future for people and the planet.

Results: Ceres’ unique theory of change is to move investors, companies, policymakers and other capital market influencers to take action on four global sustainability challenges: climate change, water scarcity and pollution, inequitable workplaces and outdated capital market systems. Ceres was founded in 1989 in response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill by a group of forward-looking investors and environmentalists who had a vision for a better way of doing business. Led by Joan Bavaria, these investors began to re-evaluate the role and responsibility of companies as stewards of the environment and agents of economic and social change. Over the years, Ceres has built influential networks of investors, companies and nonprofit organizations that have grown exponentially in size, scope of work and depth of engagement. Equipping these leaders with science-based research and innovative tools on sustainability risks and opportunities and deploying them, Ceres has created a powerful formula for transforming the global economy. Today, with more than 30 years of leadership and proven results, Ceres is more confident than ever in the business case for sustainability. Investors and companies that integrate sustainability into decision-making outperform their peers, because sustainability is the bottom line.

Programs: Through powerful networks, Ceres works with influential investors and companies to integrate sustainability practices into core business strategies and seize the opportunities embedded in the clean energy economy. The Ceres Investor Network includes more than 170 institutional investors, managing more than $26 trillion in assets, advancing leading investment practices, corporate engagement strategies, and key policy and regulatory solutions. The Ceres Company Network comprises 50+ companies, nearly 75 percent of them Fortune 500 firms, setting the highest bar for sustainability leadership. Through direct stakeholder engagement, standard-setting, regular benchmarking, and strong collaborations, Ceres moves companies to raise their ambition on robust sustainability goals and improve resiliency in their operations and supply chains. The Ceres Policy Network comprises 50+ companies, including dozens of leading consumer brands and Fortune 500s, advocating for strong climate, clean energy and water policies at the state and federal levels. In the wake of President Trump’s announcement of his intent to withdraw the U. S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, we helped launch and grow the “We Are Still In” movement into a coalition of more than 3500 investors, companies, mayors, governors, college president and other leaders committed to U. S. action on climate change. Ceres' Nonprofit Network includes 90+ environmental, labor, religious and investor nonprofit organizations that elevate the role of the advocacy community in driving business leadership on sustainability risks and opportunities.
99 Chauncy Street 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02111
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