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Mission: CHARIS (Greek for God's Grace) operates in complete obedience to God, giving Him His rightful place in determining the path and goals of His ministry that He has, by grace, allowed us to perform. Thus, CHARIS, primarily focuses on the unseen spiritual needs in Haiti, and secondarily on the seen physical needs, always remembering that our success is completely dependent on God's will and never ours.

Results: CURRENT MISSION PROJECTS: Bible Study/Evangelization to Vodou Priests/Camps
•A pioneer ministry that touches the heart of Haiti's true spiritual/physical/emotional/financial problems. ​Ecole Christian Communautaire de Macary(The Community Christian School of Macary)
•Provide free education for all 700 children in the 12 mile radius of the school through funding staff salaries.
•Build 3 multi-purpose buildings that would: seat 1,000 children/people, used as a school Monday-Friday and a church on Sunday. Ecole Bon Berger de Marigot(Bon Berger Christian School of Marigot)
•Provide uniforms and general school supplies for each student.
•Provide free education for 88 students (including 17 orphans that come to our porch daily) through funding staff salaries. Mobile Clinic / Porch Clinic
•Establish a porch clinic/mobile clinic to serve the mountain communities by hosting medical professionals/teams throughout the year. Family Prayer Sponsorships
•No strings attached, except your heart strings!

Programs: Free education initiative program: our free education initiative program was continued this year, providing free education to now 1,050 students for the 2014-2015 school year, by supporting the directors and teachers at the following schools, in the following villages: macary, haiti - ecole communautaire de macary; marigot, haiti - ecole bon berger de marigot; and in peredo, haiti - little rabbits christian preschool.

on the ground evangelism program: we started regular group bible studies in peredo (charistan's camp) and marigot (house church), as well as, individual bible studies with 20+ hougans and mambos. 100s of haitian creole new testaments have been distributed to adults and school aged children in the villages around us. Every student in our schools and every person in our house church now has a bible. 100s of haitian creole tracks have been passed out in new villages by our short-term mission teams. 18 audio bibles in haitian creole were passed out to blind haitians, illiterate vodou priests, directors of the schools (to be used in the classroom), etc. We hosted 2 pastoral training seminars with 58 pastors-giving 18 of the pastor's we work directly with either a french study bible and/or french bible commentaries. A film projector was donated this year, which has allowed us to incorporate 2 christian films in creole, (magdala and the story of jesus for children) into our ministry.

building project: we have completed 2 of the three new buildings being built for our village in macary. These buildings will make it possible for 1,000 students to attend school in a comfortable, spacious setting. Finished the foundation and bathrooms for the third and final building. Our goal is to complete the 3rd building by january 2015, as well as, build 3 small offices for our directors by january 2016.The completed buildings are being used weekly for school (primary only), church services on sunday and thursday and clinic/meeting space for when our short-term mission teams come in.

feeding program: beans and rice meals were donated and distributed to our schools in macary (ecole communautaire de macary), marigot (ecole bon berger de marigot), peredo (little rabbits preschool) and dupont (ecole communautaire de dupont), as well as, shared with an orphanage in port au prince (new life orphanage). Mobile dental/medical clinics: in january and march, (with medical and dental professionals who came on our short-term mission trips), we held dental clinics/medical clinics everywhere we went (literally - in villages, . . At the hotel, in former vodou camps. . . . Everywhere. We. Went! ). We pulled 100s of teeth. (one village said that it had been 45 years since anyone had brought help to them like we did! 45 years! ! ! ), gave out over the counter medicine and provided relief to many people who were suffering. We were able to provide eye glasses, hearing aids, tooth brushes and tooth paste, etc. ,
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