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Causes: Animals, Protection of Endangered Species

Mission: CCF's mission is to be the internationally recognised centre of excellence in the conservation of cheetahs and their ecosystems. CCF will work with all stakeholders to develop best practices in research, education, and land use to benefit all species, including people.

Results: Our progress reports are available online at http://www. cheetah. org/?nd=progress_reports

Target demographics: Everyone who must co-exist with wildlife in all cheetah-range countries (23 in Africa and Iran in the Middle East).

Geographic areas served: Africa, Iran

Programs: Research (population biology, health and reproduction, cheetah ecology, ecosystem research); Livestock Guarding Dogs program; contact with farming community; education activities; eco-tourism; international programs (Kenya, Iran, Botswana, International Cheetah Studbook); development & international fundraising; visitors to CCF; volunteer program
PO Box 2496, Alexandria, VA 22301
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