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Causes: Human Service Organizations, Human Services, International, International Development, International Human Rights

Mission: ChildVoice is a global non-governmental organization that restores the voices of children silenced by war by raising awareness; promoting research; and creating effective, sustainable interventions.

Results: ChildVoice was founded in 2006 to restore the voices of children silenced by war in northern Uganda. At that time, more than 30,000 children had been abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army and forced to become armed combatants and sex slaves. Since 2007, ChildVoice’s Lukome Center in northern Uganda has provided a therapeutic, safe sanctuary community for adolescent girls including these former children-turned-soldiers, child mothers, orphans, and other highly vulnerable girls. At the Center, our students are able to recover from the trauma of war and receive the educational and vocational training they need to rebuild their lives and re-enter their villages and communities with dignity. While Uganda is no longer at war, the effects of years of conflict have left generations of families struggling to recover from trauma and poverty. Additionally, there are 35 active conflict zones around the world where children are growing up in the shadow of war. ChildVoice is working diligently on behalf of these children, expanding its services to include war-affected young girls from South Sudan and Nigeria and other at-risk countries.

Target demographics: War-affected adolescent girls and children

Geographic areas served: Uganda, South Sudan, Nigeria

Programs: COMMUNITY-BASED CAREAs part of its community-based efforts, ChildVoice establishes Girl Empowerment Centers and Groups within internally displaced persons (IDP) camps and refugee settlements, where a high percentage of adolescent girls are orphaned or are part of child-headed households with extremely limited means of meeting their basic needs and protecting themselves against abuse. These Centers and Groups provide an array of psychosocial and livelihood-related services — including long-term aftercare — for vulnerable and traumatized adolescent girls and their children, directing and equipping them for a life of self-empowerment. CENTER-BASED HEALINGFor the most highly traumatized and vulnerable girls, ChildVoice operates a center-based program which includes a boarding school, non-traditional educational programs, a vocational center, and in-depth counseling services for those girls who need long-term care in order to actuate the healing process and care for their own children.
202 Kent Place, Newmarket, NH 03857
Human Services
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