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Causes: Christianity, Religion

Mission: Cams primary purpose is to provide a trustworthy and efficient channel for amish, mennonite, and other conservative anabaptist groups and individuals to minister to physical and spiritual needs around the world. Annually, cam distributes (continued)

Programs: Medicines-for-multitudes: the medicines-for-multitudes program ships and distributes medicines and medical supplies to more than 500 medical outlets in eastern europe, liberia, haiti, nicaragua, el salvador, and other parts of the world. These outlets include clinics, hospitals, and church pharmacies that provide the free medicines to suffering, needy people. Because generous pharmaceutical companies donate the medicines, cam can ship and distribute $25 worth of medicines for every dollar given to medicines-for-multitudes. Though the items are donated, cam has procurement fees and shipping costs to bring them to our warehouse in pennsylvania. The gifts-that-grow program covers these costs, enabling cam to accept more free products for the poor.

other programs: cams food parcel programs reach out to needy families, elderly people, and widows, widowers, or abandoned wives in several countries. Cams bibles-for-the-world program makes it possible to translate, print, and distribute bibles, bible story books, and other christian literature. Cams disaster response services coordinates volunteers to rebuild in natural disaster areas of the united states. Volunteers have donated thousands of hours serving in communities crippled by floods, hurricanes, fires, and tornadoes. Cam has numerous other programs including a child/school sponorship program in haiti, orphan sponsorship programs, microfinance solutions program, prision minitries, billboard evangelism, seed distribution projects, and various other humanitarian programs.

clothing bundle project: each year, this program ships large quantities quality used clothing and footwear and thousands of cozy comforters to needy families in various parts of the world. The items, donated by generous supporters in the united states, bring joy and relief to people who wonder how they will clothe their families another year. In 2017, clothing was shipped to romania, moldova, ukraine, liberia, nicaragua, jordan, syria, south sudan, and other countries. Every gift of $69 processes, ships, and distributes approximately 125 pounds of clothing, footwear, and comforters.

internation crisis: this program helps victims of famine, war, and natural disasters in various countries. Supporters donations provide emergency food, medicine, shelter, christian literature, and other important aid. Some of the areas where cam had international crisis projects during 2017 included uganda, bangladesh, colombia, and haiti. We also provided help for those affected by the ongoing conflicts in the middle east.
PO Box 360, Berlin, OH 44610
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