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Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals

Mission: To enhance the lives of community (feral) cats by promoting spayand neuter and by providing training and mentorship in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return)

Results: Since inception in 2012 3,007 vouchers have been issued providing free spay/neuter and or vaccinations for community cats, 51 spay/neuter clinics have been sponsored at local spay/neuter clinics providing free spay neuter for low income cat owners with 1,779 cats being altered. Approximately 43,000 cans of wet cat food and 40,000 pounds of dry cat food have been provided to community cat caregivers. Over 600 people have attended free classes offered throughout the Puget sound covering Trap-neuter-return, feral kitten socialization, barn cat relocation, basic rescue medicine, and care for bottle babies. Over 100 people are eligible to receive free veterinary medical supplies including vaccines, viral tests, flea and worming treatment, and diarrhea treatment. Antibiotics are also made available with veterinary approval. The CCC has contributed to the cost of veterinary treatment for over 150 ill or injured free roaming cats.

Target demographics: Community (Feral) Cats

Direct beneficiaries per year: In 2017 veterinary medical supplies including vaccines, flea treatment, worming medication, diarrhea medications and snap tests were made available to community cat caregivers and trappers; over 100 people are currently eligible to receive those supplies. Antibiotics are also available with veterinary approval.

Geographic areas served: Western Washsington

Programs: provide training in trap-neuter-return (TNR), have humane traps and associated equipment available to loan to people doing TNR, provide veterinary medical supplies including vaccines, flea treatment, worming medications, diarrhea medication and viral tests to independent rescuers, provide vouchers to independent rescuers for spay/neuter and vaccinations at local spay/neuter clinics, sponsor spay/neuter clinics, and provide food to people who manage community cat colonies
P.O. Box 1236, Mukilteo, WA 98275
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