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Causes: Birth Defects & Genetic Diseases, Birth Defects & Genetic Diseases Research, Health

Mission: The mission of Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc. is to fund cystic fibrosis research, to offer educational & support programs and spread awareness of cystic fibrosis. What sets CFRI apart from other CF organizations is our commitment to provide educational and personal support to those living with cystic fibrosis and their families. It has been shown that informed and knowledgeable patients maintain healthier lives. We believe that the information and assistance CFRI offers can help reduce much of the emotional and physical distress associated with this prevalent, life threatening genetic disease.

Target demographics: persons with cystic fibrosis, their families, friends, and support networks.

Geographic areas served: Palo Alto, CA, but have impact nationwide and abroad.

Programs: CFRI funds cystic fibrosis research regionally and nationally and currently supports CF post-doctoral fellows and CF research projects. We host an annual national CF educational conference, attracting renown speakers and participants from across the country. In addition, we also issue two print newsletters - in English and Spanish - per year, free of charge to over 15,000 constituents. These complement our weekly e-Newsletter. We also hold an annual Teen and Adult Summer retreat for the CF community, as well as a Mothers Retreat. We provide on-going support groups for teens and adults with CF and for parents and caregivers of children with CF. CFRI oversees an information-based website accessed by over 5,500 people each month. A Caregivers' support program has recently been launched for the CF community. We provide direct information and referral to all in our community. Educational materials are made available and are free to the community.
1731 Embarcadero Road Ste 210, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Palo Alto
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