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Causes: Health, Specifically Named Diseases Research

Mission: The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation (DRIF) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to provide the Diabetes Research Institute with the funding necessary to cure diabetes now.   Founded in 1971 by a small group of parents of children with diabetes who were committed to finding a cure for this devastating disease, the DRI Foundation has evolved into an international coalition of business leaders, celebrities, research scientists, clinicians, families and other concerned individuals who have helped change both the scope and direction of diabetes research. Supported by private philanthropy, the DRI Foundation is the organization of choice for those who are serious, passionate and committed to finding a cure for their loved ones and millions of others with diabetes. For more information, visit DiabetesResearch. org or call 1-800-321-3437.

Geographic areas served: All

Programs: Drif funds basic, pre-clinical and patient-based studies, including a recently fda-approved phase i/ii clinical islet transplantation trial to test a new transplant site in the body for a dri biohub, a bioengineered mini organ that mimics the native pancreas to restore natural insulin production in those with diabetes. The first patient in this pilot trial has now been successfully transplanted, with several other patients activated and awaiting a matching donor pancreas. Drif has also funded pilot projects undertaken by dri researchers that make use of the newest advancements in technology and are key components of the dri biohub, and funding has allowed several other research initiatives to near the clinical trial phase of testing. The drif has funded international researcher training that has resulted in the completion of phase iii clinical islet transplantation trials. The resulting data was submitted in a biological license application to the fda for insurance reimbursement for patients with the disease. Key funded research areas include tissue engineering, immune tolerance, regenerative medicine, stem cell research, and nanotechnology, among others, to restore biological insulin production. Drif also hosts informational workshops for people with diabetes and their families focusing on the latest advances toward a cure and the newest diabetes management techniques. Through its website diabetesresearch. Org, the drif provides "news you can use" and research updates for those living with diabetes and their family members in the form of e-newsletters, videos, email announcements and information via social media.

community diabetes education. The diabetes research institute foundation provides information to the public via its website literature, speakers and hosting an annual diabetes research conference, print interviews and toll free number 800-321-3437.The public gains knowledge about diabetes, diabetes care and research towards finding a cure for diabetes.
200 South Park Road Ste 100, Hollywood, FL 33021
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