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Causes: Job Training, Sheltered Employment

Mission: Edwards Work-Activity Center was founded in 1972 by family members to provide support for, and recognize the abilities of, adults with developmental disabilities.

Programs: Residential services for developmentally disabled adults. The edwards center operates 14 homes with 24 hour staff support for individuals so that they can live in a safe and pleasant home and enjoy recreational and educational opportunities. In addition, staff provides support to many individuals so that they can live independently in their own apartments.

employment services to developmentally disabled adults. The edwards center packaging and assembly business creates jobs with paychecks for over 150 people with significant disabilities by working with over 100 local businesses. Job development, training and coaching are provided in community businesses. In addition, retirements and therapeutic activities are provided on a daily basis for those who are not working, this includes specialized programs for those who are medically fragile.

transportation services for developmentally disabled adults. Our fleet of vehicles transports our residential clients to work, to the doctor, shopping, to the movies, etc. With specially trained drivers.
P.O. Box 6269, Aloha, OR 97007
Job Training
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