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Causes: Employment Preparation & Procurement, Job Training

Mission: Our goal is to support education and literacy on the Pine Ridge Reservation by striving to put a book in the hands of every Oglala child. We are an all-volunteer organizationWe also work to raise awareness about our country's Indian Nations, and we work against racism.

Target demographics: school libraries, clinics, and hospital

Direct beneficiaries per year: nine schools, 4 clinics, one hospital and one detention center by sending fabulous books to the children. At the clinics the children are given a book to keep. We also provide 2 scholarships for Lakota college students.

Geographic areas served: South Dakota, at the Pine Ridge Reservation

Programs: Books for the children at nine schools. We also send books for adults at clinics, large print for the hard of seeing, and board books for babies. Our scholarship program provides 2 annual renewable grants for Lakota college students. We are all volunteers ie, no one gets paid for the work they do, and we love our work.
PO Box 497, Dublin, NH 03444
Job Training
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