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Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals

Mission: FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public-interest organization promoting vegan, plant-based diets to save animals, protect the environment, and improve health. We operate from the nation's capital and work through our Compassionate Activist Network (CAN) with volunteers in all 50 states and two dozen other countries. Campaigns include Meatout, Vegan Earth Day/Bite Global Warming, the Animal Rights National Conferences, Humane Facts, World Farm Animals Day, and Gentle Thanksgiving.

Geographic areas served: United States and 31 other countries

Programs: Grassroots outreach:the 10 billion lives program focuses on video outreach, offering incentives to watch a 4-minute video about the 10 billion animals raised and killed for food each year. Through a tactic called "pay-per-view, " activists offer people $1 each to watch the video. Surveys indicate that an average viewer eats thirteen fewer animals per year after participating, meaning that the 10 billion lives tour has the potential to spare one million animals per year. The great american meatout is now an international observance in two dozen countries and in all fifty states. Every march since 1985, farm works through its grassroots network of volunteers organizing outreach events in their communities. The purpose is to demonstrate the joys and benefits of a plant-based diet to the public, while promoting the availability and selection of vegan foods in mainstream grocery stores and restaurants. World farm animals day is a global day of action, observed on october 2nd, dedicated to exposing, mourning, and memorializing the more than 65 billion cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, and other land animals that needlessly suffer and are killed in the world's farms and slaughterhouses. Grassroots activists across 30 countries hold symbolic and educational events in their communities. Public awareness:farm raises public awareness by posting billboards and bus ads in major us cities, as well as running tv and online ads to promote veganism. For the past 16 years, farm's letters-to-the-editor program has been linking benefits of the vegan lifestyle to current news developments or national holidays. Each of the 16 letters per year is published in 30-50 local newspapers, reaching millions. Vegan support:the live vegan website serves as an online vegan starter guide, educating visitors on how to make an enjoyable transition to a vegan lifestyle. A colorful 32-page vegan starter guide magazine is also available on request. Farm's weekly e-mail newsletter meatout mondays goes out to more than 119,000 subscribers. Launched eight years ago as an off-shoot of meatout, the recipe club delivers an easy vegan recipe, product or book review, health news, and an inspirational message. Activist cultivation:the animal rights national conference is the world's largest and longest-running animal rights gathering, hailing back to 1981.It is a forum for movement leaders, local activists and caring individuals of all kinds to share knowledge, report on progress, discuss strategies, network, and "recharge batteries. "the sabina fund awards grants to grassroots groups promoting a vegan diet and respect for animals.
10101 Ashburton Ln, Bethesda, MD 20817
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