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Causes: Disabilities, Eye Diseases, Blindness & Vision Impairments, Eye Diseases, Blindness & Vision Impairments Research, Health, Medical Research

Mission: Since 1946, fight for sight has supported and inspired eye and vision research by funding promising scientists early in their careers.

Programs: Research proposals are solicited on an annual basis and reviewed and ranked by panels of scientific and medical experts who comprise the organization's "scientific review committee" (src). All grants are selected on a competitive basis and awarded to the institution where the research is conducted. From time to time, special awards may be made after recommendation by the src, the scientific director(s), board president and/or the executive director and subsequent approval of the full board. During the year ended december 31,2014, grants and awards totaling $292,600 were made: grantsinaid: ($120,000) six grants were made to researchers within three years of their first academic appointment who have no support other than departmental funds. These awardees are expected to utilize these grants to generate preliminary results in order to obtain significant subsequent funding from other sources. Postdoctoral awards($120,000)six grants were awarded to individuals with doctoral degrees who intend to pursue academic careers in ophthalmology and/or eye and vision research. These awardees are expected to utilize their funding for their post-doctoral research projects, and to obtain preliminary data in support of future larger grant applications. Summer student fellowships: ($46,700) twenty-six grants were made to undergraduates, graduate or medical students contemplating careers in eye research. Students work under the direction of established vision scientists on projects related to eye disease or vision disorders.
381 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
New York
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