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Causes: Christianity, Religion, Roman Catholic

Mission: This society is a civic, cultural and nonpartisan organization which, inspired by the traditional teachings of the supreme magisterium of the roman catholic church, works in a legal and peaceful manner in the realm of ideas to defend and promote the principles of private ownership, family and perennial christian values with their twofold function: individual and social.

Programs: Direct mail campaigns:america needs fatima was the foundations main direct mail campaign this year. Its goal is to spread the fatima message of prayer and conversion throughout america. This year, an estimated total of 2.5 million letters were sent to current america needs fatima campaign members in a total of 12 mailings. As part of the direct mail outreach, hundreds of thousand of each of the following items were distributed during the year: devotional fatima calendars, padre pio relic cards, pictures of our lady of fatima, and miraculous medals. Crusade magazine is also mailed six times a year to approximately 160,000 people. America needs fatima also distributed approximately half a million fatima centennial rosaries as part of its effort to commemorate the occasion. Mailings were also done encouraging devotion to the immaculate heart and the sacred heart.

publications:the foundation published crusade 6 times during the year, and each issue is sent to approximately 160,000 people. The foundation continued the extensive effort to promote the book: return to order: from a frenzied economy to an organic christian society. The book lighting the way published this year presents examples of organic society in america today. A special fatima centennial edition of meet the witnesses was published. Stop the lies was published in january, and 220,000 copies of the new book were sent out. A total of 488,736 books related to the furtherance of the values of christian civilization were distributed during the fiscal year. The foundation continued to maintain four main websites: the tfp site, tfp. Org, the america needs fatima site, www. Anf. Org, the tfp student action website, tfpstudentaction. Org, and the return to order site, returntoorder. Org. Several smaller sites and blogs publish content produced by the foundation. These sites and blogs received more than 300,000 unique visitors each month. Generally one article or position paper is published each week on the tfp site. The other sites publish information about the activities of each campaign.

public witnesses:the public square rosary crusade is continued in 2018.On october 14,2017, there were 21,570 rosary rallies in public places across america. An estimated 350,000 people prayed the rosary for america on that day. Many held banners that made it clear to passersby what they were doing and why. America needs fatima volunteers made thousands of calls recruiting these captains. Many also signed up on the website. Tfp caravans traveled through north carolina promoting the rejection of abortion. Many people accepted the flyer: "10 reasons why abortion is evil and voiced support when they saw the caravan's posters and banners at busy street corners. The internet is also a powerful method to encourage and educate the public about many issues. America needs fatima and return to order did an online petition opposing the promotion of satanism in this country. Tfp student action did several petitions catholic universities who hosted speakers and events contrary to catholic teaching.
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