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Causes: Arts & Culture, Environment, Environmental Education, Natural Resources Conservation & Protection

Mission: The mission of the Grand Canyon Association is to help preserve and protect Grand Canyon National Park by cultivating support through education and understanding of the park. Founded in 1932, the Grand Canyon Association is the National Park Service’s official nonprofit partner raising private funds to benefit Grand Canyon National Park, operating retail shops and visitor centers within the park, and providing premier educational opportunities about the natural and cultural history of the region.

Target demographics: Grand Canyon National Park

Geographic areas served: Grand Canyon

Programs: Aid to national park service key projects funded in 2014 include: grand canyon association funded an on-going program that helps nurture lifelong connections between school children and grand canyon national park by bringing children to the park on field trips and also sends a traveling ranger to schools throughout the southwest. Funding pays for travel, materials and teacher workshops. This critical educational outreach creates future stewards for grand canyon and other national parks. Nearly 400 bird species call grand canyon home. All of these birds, inlcuding the endangered california condor and the threatened mexican spotted owl, require assistance to ensure their native habitat remains a place of refuge. Funding will provide for expanded monitoring of the mexican spotted owl, tracking endangered california condors and hosting the hawkwatch international annual raptor migration study. Indian garden is a restful oasis to all who hike along the bright angel trail. The majority of picnic tables at indian garden had deteriorated into splintering safety hazards and were in need of replacement. In 2014, gca raised funds to replace and ship 33 heavy galvanized steel picnic tables to indian garden, restoring comfort to hikers who visit this beautiful gem in the canyon. Grand canyon's diverse plant population can be found in the folds of thousands of meandering side canyons, along the mighty colorado river, at the edges of seeps and springs, and on the rims of the canyon. Gca raised funds to create a demonstration garden located just north of the el tovar hotel along the rim. This garden will allow visitors to explore and learn about the grand canyon's diverse vegetation population. Gca supports grand canyon's junior ranger program. More than 60,000 new junior rangers earned their badges at grand canyon national park in 2014.In 2014, gca funded a team of archaeologists and staff to work to mitigate the adverse affects of erosion and heavy visitor traffic at the whitemore rock art panel. The sacred rock art site and a prehistoric midden (an area of accumulated domestic waste like corncobs and pot shards) were protected from harms way. This long term preservation work was in accordance with the national historic preservation act in partnership with the pueblo of zuni. Gca piloted three, week-long volunteer programs for members to help give back to the park. This program resulted in over 336 hours valued at 22,000 in labor. Kolb studio, located on the very edge of the canyon, was the home and business of grand canyon pioneers emery and ellsworth kolb. Gca funded a restoration project that will continue to preserve the 100 year old historic building and allow it to remain open for the public to enjoy. Hikers from all over the world come to enjoy grand canyon's renowned trails. Gca funded restoration of trails that were damaged due to foot and mule traffic and erosion. In 2014, gca specifically raised funds to restore the clear creek trail. Gca's polk fellowship endowment fund creates fellowships that immerse students in grand canyon science. The three fellowships focus on archaeology, vegetation, and wildlife research at grand canyon national park. Gca presented the 6th annual celebration of art at grand canyon. This event included a plein air art competition, an auction and an exhibition of art in the gallery at kolb studio. This annual event raises funds toward the eventual creation of a permanent art venue at grand canyon. Membership is a key component of gca's efforts to create a steady base of support for grand canyon national park. In 2014, gca's membership grew to over 13,000 members.

aid to usda forest service. Grand canyon association operates a bookstore in the kaibab national forest at jacob lake, az. Our programs there enhance the understanding of the kaibab national forest and surrounding area and provide support to the interpretive activities of the us forest service.

the grand canyon association (gca) is grand canyon national park's official nonprofit partner raising private funds to benefit the park and providing programs to enhance the understanding of historical, scientific, interpretive and other attributes of grand canyon national park including sales of published books and other interpretive goods, instructional classes and guided tours. Grand canyon association operates seven bookstores within grand canyon national park and, one bookstore in the kaibab national forest at jacob lake and a web store. Grand canyon association, its members, donors, and friends help the park service support nearly five million visitors to the park annually. The services gca provides include diseminating park information, providing educational programs and publications, funding improvements, restoring historic buildings, supporting sustainable practices, improving trails and trail safety, funding search and rescue efforts, and providing funds for scientific research. The grand canyon field institute continues to inspire people through expert-led in depth learning adventures at grand canyon. The field institute conducted more than 284 classes providing 37,641 educational hours for over 2,606 participants. Gca's travelin' trunk and video loan program provides outreach educational materials for k-12 educators and children which reached nearly 5,000 students in 2014.Gca creates award winning books and merchandise featuring grand canyon and the colorado plateau. Gca published the third edition of grand canyon women by betty levengood in 2014 adding the lives of three new women and significant rewrites and updates to older chapters from the 2004 edition.
PO Box 399, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
Arts & Culture
Grand Canyon
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