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Causes: Environment, Pollution Abatement & Control, Water, Water Resources, Wetlands Conservation & Management

Mission: Greenpeace, inc. Is an independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

Programs: Outreach & education & actions campaigns: greenpeace, inc. Furthers its mission of protecting the environment through research, public information and education, outreach and advocacy, and litigation. In 2017, greenpeace, inc. Used several novel approaches for engaging new constituencies and mobilizing even more people overall to help achieve wins for the environment. These include:1.The ship tour this year was primarily meant to engage new audiences and our current supporters on three important topics: offshore drilling, single-use plastic and the sustainable recovery of puerto rico. Over 5,500 people have visited the ship. Our visitors included long time members and former staff, people who weren't familiar with greenpeace, new coalition partners, elected officials, reporters, university faculty and students, members of the epa, and many others. Visitors took tours of the ship and learned about our campaigns as well as our efforts to help with puerto rico response. 2.Brand audits/beach cleanups - we sent a survey to people who signed the plastic petition, and asked them if they'd be interested in doing a clean-up and brand audit. Our supporter mobilization team was expecting about 75 people, but instead: approximately 3000 people filled out the signup survey altogether. More than 400 of them said they were 100% ready to do the tactic. More than 700 said they "might" do the tactic if we sent them the toolkit. 3.The summer of resistance tour stopped in eight key cities focused on general resistance and two key cities focused on pipeline work. These in-person non-violent direct action (nvda) training events were meant to empower participants to take action with us against the harmful trump agenda and fossil fuel infrastructure. We trained 300+ people in nvda in-person. The trainings provided an opportunity to continually test and apply learnings along the way, by adapting the curriculum for the trainings based on participant feedback, assessing different recruitment tactics and providing a variety of opportunities for people to apply the training in their community. In conjunction with our "hold the line" project (focusing on stopping pipelines like kxl) the final two trainings will be in seattle and san francisco in september. To promote the tour we hosted a 30-minute live training webcast on sunday, june 25th where 32,000 people tuned in for at least a portion of it, and over 500 people stayed for the entire webcast. Supporters also gathered to watch the webcast at over 40+ well-attended watch parties, where they started to plan their own creative resistance actions. Following the webcast, we distributed our summer of resistance resource guide to support volunteer-led creative resistance actions throughout the summer. We also utilized text banking and phone banking to reach out to our supporters and recruit them as hosts, leaders, and attendees.

climate & energy campaign: greenpeace is campaigning for a rapid and just transition to a clean energy economy. Our world is hotter now than it has been in two thousand years and, if current trends continue, by the end of the century the global temperature will likely climb higher than at any time in the past two million years. In the u. S. , coal-fired power plants are the single largest source of global warming pollution. The expansion of u. S. Coal exports threatens to become the country's single largest new source of carbon pollution. Greenpeace u. S. Is working with allies to block investments in dirty energy projects, and mobilizing broad public support to protect the earth from oil drilling and other industrial exploitation. At the same time, greenpeace is building demand for clean energy and for u. S. Corporate and government leaders to champion a clean energy transition at home and abroad. 2017 greenpeace, inc. Climate and energy campaign highlights include:1.Samsung announced it would refurbish and recycle the 4.3 million recalled galaxy note 7 smartphones. When samsung was forced to issue a global recall of its note 7 smartphone last fall, it appeared their plan was to send all of these phones straight to the dump. The click clean campaign saw a teachable moment. Five months later, greenpeace was able to turn that plan around, and celebrated an important victory in their campaign! Samsung committed to: refurbishing and selling the recalled phones; detaching salvageable components, such as semiconductors and camera modules, for reuse or sale; and extracting metals using "environmentally friendly" methods. The acts of public pressure from this campaign did not go unnoticed by samsung's competitors. It brought another win for the click clean team when, after several meetings, apple announced its major new commitment to tackle the environmental impact caused by electronics production, becoming the first major it company to commit to using 100% recycled materials for its products. 2.Transcanada cancelled the energy east pipeline that was to run all the way from the oil sands in alberta to eastern canada, at the cost of almost $16 billion. The decision on the line, which could have carried 1.1 million barrels of crude from alberta to the atlantic coast, sets back efforts by energy companies to send more of the oil overseas.

oceans campaign: greenpeace is campaigning for sustainable fisheries and the sustained through minimal focus on ocean sanctuaries (marine reserves) and cleaning our oceans of plastics. Destructive fishing and overfishing are among the most significant threats facing the world's oceans. In addition to wreaking havoc on fish populations, destructive fishing practices harm marine birds and mammals, coastal fishing grounds that many communities rely on, and deepwater habitats that are essential for many species to survive. Greenpeace u. S. Is using cutting-edge scientific research, and collaborating with tribal communities, scientists, ngo allies, and seafood retailers to pressure the u. S. Fisheries bodies to support/implement sustainable fisheries management. In a time of increasing polarization around the world, the plastic pollution crisis has captured the attention of people across the political spectrum. A growing body of scientific evidence pointing to the catastrophic environmental and social consequences of ignoring the problem, combined with a public awakening driven by the deeply personal relationship most people share with single use plastics have set the stage for a period of great disruption and exponential change. Greenpeace us is taking the lead on the corporate strand of our global plastics project. This campaign is largely framed around the problem of plastic marine pollution, but the solution is preventing single use plastic at source, not cleaning up the ocean. 2017 greenpeace, inc. Ocean campaign highlights include:1.After 2 years of active campaigning (and a lot of markets work on tuna over many years that laid the foundation) we won our campaign against the world's biggest tuna company, thai union. In response to our campaign, thai union have agreed a major package of reform across their global supply chains that will have far-reaching and beneficial impacts for the oceans and the people working in their supply chains. Over the next 2 1/2 years, this package of work will be delivered by 5 new full time positions in the company at a cost of $2-3 million. At our request their plan and progress will be audited at their expense by a mutually agreed independent third party in just 18 month's time (end of 2018) so that greenpeace and other observers, including leading international media who have followed the story of thailand's broken fisheries and fishing companies, can form their own conclusions about thai union's progress. 2.We launched a new campaign against ocean plastics and ran two plastic focused projects on the tour. During our time at sea and near port, we collected plastic pollution from the water to send to the 5 gyres project, where the location the plastic was found will be mapped and its origins traced back to both the country it was sold in and the corporation that manufactured it. This crucial information supports our plastics campaign and the wider movement with more information. The second project was used to replace and add acoustic monitoring instruments off the coast that will allow the scripps team to compare marine mammal noise and activity before and during seismic blasting in the area to show the dangerous effects of seismic blasting.

forests campaign: greenpeace is campaigning for zero deforestation in the world's ancient forests. As much as 80% of the world's forests have been degraded or destroyed. Ancient forests are home to two-thirds of all plant and animal species found on land, and millions of people rely on them for survival. Forests also store vast amounts of carbon in their trees and soil, which is released into the atmosphere when they are burned or cleared. Currently, deforestation is responsible for 10-20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, second only to the fossil fuel sector. Greenpeace u. S. Is securing zero deforestation commitments from influential u. S. - based companies to rid their supply chains of destructively harvested tropical forest and agricultural products, and to support political solutions that will provide long-term tropical forests protection. 2017 greenpeace, inc. Forest campaign highlights include:1.In connection with the resolute forest products lawsuit against us and our campaign to protect the boreal forest, greenpeace us ran a four week intensive moment to raise awareness of the lawsuit that would silence our work in the boreal forest and therefore cause the forest and environment damage. Throughout the four weeks, we utilized several tactics including releasing a report titled "clearcutting free speech, how resolute forest products is going to extremes to silence critics of its controversial logging practices", a "our voices are vital" voice recording tactic reaching our goal of over 10k recordings and releasing kickstarter-type content for our supporters. We brought together some of the biggest names in books and launched our author's pledge that asked authors to stand with greenpeace in defense of free speech, the right of individuals to organize and protest without intimidation, and to support those who peacefully protect the world's forests. Margaret atwood, jm coetzee, stephen fry, rebecca solnit were among the 230 authors publicly expressed their support for greenpeace in our campaign to protect free speech and forests. We hand delivered to publishers like penguin random house, harper collins and simon & schuster more than 500,000 petition signatures, in a bound handmade book, that also featured dozens of photos of people in front of significant trees in their communities all over the world. 2.The roundtable on sustainable palm oil (rspo) has issued a stop work order to palm oil producer noble group as a result of a suite of evidence provided by greenpeace and eia, which triggered an investigation by hsbc. This action by the rspo will help to protect 18,000 hectares of primary forest in papua in the path of noble's bulldozers. 3.A year and half ago, greenpeace confronted ioi group, one of the world's largest palm oil traders, for the serious violations they committed with their operations in indonesia and malaysia. We worked to expose the real story behind the palm oil that was entering their supply chain, linking it to deforestation and social conflicts. As a result of our work ioi has made a commitment to address deforestation and exploitation in its supply chain through an action plan and agreement to independent third-party verification of its progress in one year's time.
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