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Causes: International, International Development

Mission: The nonprofit corporation, Guatemala Service Projects Inc, exists to provide resources to impoverished people in Guatemala. We will plan, organize and implement service projects that improve the health or literacy of Guatemalan children and families. Some examples of health improvements include installing high-efficiency wood-burning stoves that vent outside the home, installing 10-year water filters and providing training on their care and use, providing prenatal vitamins to expectant mothers, and educating others on diabetes management and proper nutrition. Some examples of literacy improvements may include providing schools with books or technology, providing teacher training, or providing assistance in the form of student sponsorship.

Target demographics: indigenous children and families

Direct beneficiaries per year: 180 students and 70 families

Geographic areas served: Guatemala

Programs: improvements in healthcare and additional educational opportunities
251 Thurow Dr, Oconomowoc, WI 53066
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