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Causes: Food, Food Banks & Pantries, Homeless & Housing, Homeless Shelters, Housing Expense Reduction Support, Housing Search Assistance

Mission: Mission: HVAF houses, supports, and advocates for all veterans and their families to achieve the best possible quality of life. VISION: Hope, housing, and self-sufficiency for all veterans and their families.

Results: In 2020.. . 1453 veterans served, 33,621 services provided to veterans, 337 veterans permanently housed, 190 veterans employed, 114 veterans provided hotel placement during COVID-19 pandemic, 2,428 pantry visits, 56,611 pounds of food, clothing, and hygiene items distributed to veterans.

Target demographics: Providing hope, housing, and self-sufficiency for all veterans and families since 1993.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 1,453 Veterans Served with 33,621 services. 337 Veterans Permanently Housed by HVAF, 190 Veterans Employed. 114 veterans were provided hotel placement during COVID-19,2,428 pantry visits and 56,611 pounds of food, clothing, and hygiene items were distributed.

Geographic areas served: The Greater Indianapolis, IN Area

Programs: RAPID REHOUSINGShort-term rental and utility assistance forveterans and their families who are currentlyhomeless or facing eviction. TRANSITIONAL HOUSINGTemporary transitional housing for more than120 veterans each night that includes intensivecase management. PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSINGAffordable permanent supportive housing withcase management for 47 units at 5 properties. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT & EMPLOYMENT SERVICESspecialists help our veteransbuild their resumes, hold mock interviews, and place them in a job that’s right for them. STREET OUTREACHEvery day, Navy veteran Rodney Jackson goesout to Indy’s homeless camps and serves theveterans in need. COMMUNITY CENTERGently used clothing, hygiene items and foodare available for all veterans in our pantry.
964 N Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
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