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Causes: Education, Undergraduate Colleges

Mission: Hendrix-murphy programs are designed to enhance and enrich the study and teaching of literature and language at hendrix college. The programs seek to invigorate the curriculum, enrich student experience, and encourage faculty development. They accomplish these goals by, among other things, bringing to hendrix eminent artists, scholars, poets, translators, literary critics, authors, and theatre directors. These distinguished visitors teach classes, present lectures, serve as writers-in-residence, give readings, direct plays, and contribute to the life of the college in many other ways.

Programs: The hendrix-foundation programs enrich the study of literature and language in both traditional and innovative ways, from lecture and reading series to unique on- and off-campus learning opportunities. Nationally and internationally acclaimed scholars, novelists, poets, playwrights, and theatre directors present lectures, readings, and performances, and meet and work informally with students and faculty. The foundation also hosts long-term residencies for award-winning visiting theatre directors and creative writers, who teach for periods from six weeks to a full semester. To extend students' horizons even further, the foundation supports study abroad scholarships and summer programs in england, spain, and france. On campus, many students also participate in language house, a year's residential living experience rotating annually among french, german, and spanish; a writing center that provides peer tutoring and english as a second language services; creative writing competitions; classical and other literature readings; classics, german, french, chinese, and spanish cultural activities; a student reading series; craft talks by professional writers; student literary awards; reading groups and book clubs.
1600 Washington Ave, Conway, AR 72032
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