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Causes: Ethnic & Immigrant Centers, Human Services, Immigration, International, International Migration & Refugee Issues

Programs: Hias' international program assists refugees in four regions of the world: africa, latin america, the middle east, and eurasia. In africa and latin america, hias provides and funds programs to reduce the impact of displacement, violence, trauma, and suffering on refugees. These programs are supported by the united nations high commissioner for refugees ("unhcr", the un refugee agency) and other united nations entities, the u. S. Government, and other private donors. In latin america, hias offers counseling, legal and employment orientation, and humanitarian assistance to refugees of the colombian civil war with its programs in ecuador, venezuela, and panama. In 2014, hias programs in chad aided approximately 275,000 refugees in eleven camps. In nairobi, kenya and kampala, uganda, hias provides resettlement assistance, child protection, and psychosocial assistance to vulnerable refugees from more than half a dozen neighboring countries, targeted programs aid survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. In 2014, hias continued its innovative community-based strategies for refugee protection in urban areas, and build on the five new field offices in the main refugee hosting areas in nairobi and kampala it initiated the year prior through funding from the u. S. Department of state and unhcr. In vienna, austria hias works in partnership with the u. S. Department of state to operate the resettlement support center ("rsc") to assist persecuted religious minorities from iran who are seeking to resettle in america under the u. S. Refugee admissions program. The rsc provides immigration assistance needed to legally enter and be resettled in the u. S. As refugees, as well as cultural orientation to prepare refugees accepted to the u. S. Refugee admissions program for life in america. In 2014, hias assisted 1,735 iranian religious minorities to arrive safely in the united states. In israel, hias provides training and technical expertise to the israeli government, unhcr, and israeli non-governmental organizations in their mutual efforts to develop an israeli asylum system. We also award scholarships to new israeli immigrants ("olim"). In 2014, hias trained 30 new asylum officers and awarded $130,000 in 50 scholarships to students from colleges and universities throughout the country. In the russian federation, and the hias office in kyiv, ukraine offers legal counseling to refugees from 39 countries who are seeking asylum or resettlement, and monitors conditions affecting jews throughout the republics of the former soviet union and eastern europe. In 2014, hias provided legal protection services to nearly 1,400 asylum seekers, including unaccompanied minors.

in the u. S. , hias coordinates and funds refugee resettlement activities in conjunction with our national network of 30 affiliates. These activities, which are supported by the u. S. Government, private foundations, and individual donors, help current and former hias clients establish new lives in the u. S. , integrate into american society, and gain citizenship. In 2014, hias resettled 3,490 refugees in the u. S. , an 18% increase over the prior year. Our programs include the reception and placement program, which processes family reunification refugee applications, facilities the placement of refugees in specific localities, provides for their travel, ensures the provision of basic necessities, and offers essential case management services during the first 30-90 days after their arrival in the u. S. The preferred communities program provides enhanced case management services to refugees at highest risk in participating locations for up to five years after their arrival in the u. S. The citizenship program aids selected hias affiliates in developing citizenship integration programs, including naturalization (citizenship) classes and application assistance. The legal services program helps to secure legal representation for asylum seekers throughout the united states, including a living allowance through the hias-prins asylum program for asylum seekers who were scientists, scholars, artists or other types of professionals in their countries of origin and desire to continue or rebuild their career in the united states. In addition, hias provides technical assistance to our national network of resettlement affiliates on issues relating to development and implementation of the above programs and to immigration law.

the matching grant program provides basic needs support, case management and intensive employment services to certain refugees resettled by the hias resettlement network for up to six months after their arrival in the united states. The goal of this program is to enable participating refugees to become economically self-sufficient through employment before the end of this six month period. Only those refugees deemed employable, and likely to become employed in this short time frame, are selected to participate in this program. In program year 2014,633 refugees completed the program, and 69% were self-sufficient six months after their arrival in the u. S.
1300 Spring St, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Human Services
Silver Spring
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