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Causes: Child Abuse Prevention, Children & Youth, Crime & Law, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Youth Community Service Clubs, Youth Development - Agricultural

Target demographics: chidren who's parents struggle with substance use disorder (addiction). One in four children under 18 has a parent addicted to drugs or alchol.

Geographic areas served: Palm Beach County Flordia

Programs: Children's program hhh provides online equine therapy programs for disavantages children of alcoholics and addicts for a low annual fee. We currently have 52 children in the program

mentoring program hhh operate a mentoring program similar to big brothers/ big sisters where the most at risk middle school students are paired with a volunteer adult. We currently have 8 children paired with mentors.

eagala equine theraphy hhh started a social-enterprise business in january 2014.This effort is designed to provide a revenue stream for the children's program (4a). Hhh works primarily with clients from local substance abuse treatment centers. Group sessions range in size from 6-11 clients. Currently hhh has 6 treatment centers bringing their clients weekly or monthly for a eagala equine theraphy with hhh.
2300 High Ridge Rd. Suite 365, Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Children & Youth
Boynton Beach
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