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Causes: Arts & Culture, General Science, Health, Research Institutes & Public Policy Analysis, Technology

Mission: The Institute recovers, preserves, studies, and fosters the study of ancient and present medical traditions. It works particularly on the ancient Mediterranean traditions from the remotest Antiquity to a most recent time. A major component of its activity is teaching, through formal teaching as well as lectures and presentations worldwide. Most importantly the Institute curates the library and archives assembled and created by Alain Touwaide and Emanuela Appetiti and gives access to them to students, scholars and scientists.

Results: The Institute has been successful in generating awareness about the value of ancient medical traditions through its multifaceted activity, including the many publications of its scientists. A major result has been the preservation of the library and archives of its founders, which became a reference worldwide for any scholar and scientist interested in the topic.

Target demographics: scientists and scholars access the documentation on ancient medical knowledge and practice. But we also reach a wider audience, by developing awareness about medical traditions, their benefits, their contribution to well-being and healthy nutrition, and their value as a legacy of centuries of wisdom.

Direct beneficiaries per year: students worldwide. In 2020, particularly, our activity greatly benefited students of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), through teaching in spite of the COVID-19 crisis, thanks to an online course.

Geographic areas served: in the United States and the whole world, directly through local programs, but also indirectly through scientific publications, the FaceBook page of the Institute and other means of communication. Our activity, though physically based in the United States, extends to the world.

Programs: scientific and more general publications, active participation in international scientific conferences, teaching from entry level to postgraduate, and postings on the Internet to keep the community of our followers and others about ongoing research, new initiatives, conferences, discoveries, new publications, and novelties in the field.
c/o Alain Touwaide 1423 R Street NW # 405, Washington, DC 20009
Arts & Culture
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