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Mission: Interstages provides opportunities for early adolescent girls in low-income neighborhoods to discover talents, strengthen and develop skills, and heighten self-awareness, setting the stage for a successful transition into young adulthood. To fulfill this mission, Interstages operates a daily afterschool youth development program for middle school girls in Southeast DC. Three key elements make the Interstages model uniquely effective in engaging our girls:1) Exclusive focus on early adolescence. 2) Academic personalization. 3) Connecting to history through music and the arts.

Results: 1) Launched the Interstages Alumnae initiative for girls who graduate from our program. 8 alumnae are currently enrolled in high school and on track to graduate on time. 2) Over an 8-month period, the Interstages girls showed nearly 2 years' improvement in math recall. 3) Each year, the Interstages girls set and achieve their own S. M. A. R. T. academic goals. 4) Interstages hosted a youth talent showcase, spotlighting performances by the Interstages girls and youth from 6 partner organizations. 5) The Interstages girls wrote an original rap, titled "We Are Beautiful. " They performed it live, recorded it in a professional studio, and created a music video.

Target demographics: Middle school girls (grades 6,7, and 8) living in Southeast Washington, DC.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 25

Geographic areas served: Southeast Washington, DC

Programs: Connecting to History through Music and the Arts

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
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