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Causes: Education, Health, Health Support, Judaism, Mental Health, Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Religion, Vocational & Technical Schools

Mission: Founded in 1941 to help displaced refugees attain self-sufficiency, JEVS Human Services today provides vocational, educational, and rehabilitation services to diverse Philadelphia-area populations, enabling people to productively participate in society.   JEVS Human Services is a leader in innovative research and training projects, including: skills assessment, customized-training, and job-placement programs provided through Orleans Technical Institute; career-related services: vocational and educational counseling, testing, job placement, and outplacement; rehabilitation services: day/residential services, evaluation and job-training programs for persons with emotional, intellectual, and physical disabilities; research and development providing assessment and guidance regarding vocational potential; substance abuse treatment; and home care for the physically disabled and elderly.

Results: Last year, JEVS Human Services helped 20,399 overcome quality of life challenges.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 20,399

Programs: Residential - see description on schedule oresidential: jevs human services provides high quality, person-centered community-based residential and day program options for individuals with developmental disabilities and chronic mental illness with the goals of enhancing the independence and promoting dignity. Our offerings provide supports customized to the needs of the individual. Residential options are an alternative to more costly and more restrictive institutional settings and allow individuals to live as independently as possible and toparticipate fully in the life of their communities. Residential options include community living arrangements (2 to 3 person homes), in-home supports, and supported independent living. Life sharing, a service similar to foster care but designed to be permanent, provides a unique opportunity for individuals and families to share their homes and everyday lives with a person in need. Our day programs provide enriching, community-integrated social and recreational activities. These programs serve approximately 260 individuals last year.

employment and counseling services - see description on schedule oemployment and counseling services:services include employment counseling, english language training, assessment, job placement, and case management services for the unemployed and underemployed. The individuals we serve are seeking services at pivotal points in their lives include out-of-school youth, refugees, individuals transitioning from welfare-to-work, former offenders, seniors, and others who are economically disadvantaged, including those adversely impacted by the downturn in the economy. For many served by these programs, these activities are the first step to self-sufficiency. These programs serve approximately 8,300 individuals annually.

education and training programs - see description on schedule oeducation and training programs: these programs offer career skills training, career exploration and college preparation and access. Skills training is offered in a variety of high-demand industries to individuals who are economically disadvantaged, unemployed, and underemployed or have a variety of other barriers to occupational success. Participants in these programs include individuals transitioning from welfare-to-work, inmates, and out-of-school youth. Career exploration, college preparation and access services are offered to economically and otherwise disadvantaged in-school youth. For individuals served by these programs, these opportunities are often the first step towards a career or success in post-secondary education. These programs serve approximately 5,400 individuals each year.

drug and alcohol rehabilitation offers solutions to adults seeking treatment for opiate addiction, including group, individual and family therapy in an outpatient methadone maintenance program setting. Patients also receive physical, medication evaluation, and psychiatric evaluations and hiv counseling, testing and education. These programs serve approximately 772 individuals each year. Work and recovery programs offer vocationally-oriented services to individuals with emotional and developmental disabilities. Recovery programs utilize psychiatric evidence-based practices to equip individuals to better manage their illness or disability while working toward their personal and vocational goals. Work services include vocational evaluation, job exploration, job finding assistance, and job retention services. These programs serve 407 individuals each year.
1845 Walnut St 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
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