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Causes: Cancer, Cancer Research, Health, Health Support

Mission: Kids Beating Cancer provides access to life-saving treatments through the science of cellular therapy and advancing pediatric innovative, novel, research, moving new discoveries to patient care, while supporting the children and their families throughout the journey to a cure. THE HEART OF OUR MISSION: Ending Childhood cancer Kids Beating Cancer focus for these special children and their families, is what every parent wants: their child: to be healthy, to beat cancer, and for the family to survive the long journey to a cure.

Results: Since 1992, Kids Beating Cancer:9,500 children served nationwide$25 Million dollars raised130 Transplants received funding38,000 potential donors tested20,000 meals for families2012 Opening of the KIDS BEATING CANCER PEDIATRIC TRANSPLANT CENTERFebruary, 2020, launched the first annual SCIENCE IS THE CURE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM

Target demographics: children with cancer

Direct beneficiaries per year: 24 patients in need of a stem cell transplant, 100 children receive support services during treatment, and funded 3 grant researchers

Geographic areas served: Orlando, FL

Programs: access to life-saving treatments, funding pediatric cancer research to bring an end to childhood cancer, and supporting the families throughout the journey to a cure.
1720 Lee Road, Winter Park, FL 32789
Winter Park
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