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Causes: Children & Youth, Human Services, Youth Development, Youth Development Programs

Mission: Lead-Up International is an organization that seeks to close gaps and break cycles of violence and poverty through innovative peaceful leadership and empowerment programs with horses in order to train, strengthen and empower young leaders to be and bring change to their communities.

Results: 500 youths have participated in the Lead-Up Discovering Non-Violence Workshops around the world since 2015 when the first Lead-Up Workshops were held in Jocotenango, Guatemala. As of August 2021 Lead-Up International has held workshops in the USA, Guatemala, Brazil, Uruguay, UK, Ireland, Austria, Germany, and South Africa. Since March 2020 20 youths in Guatemala have graduated from the Lead-Up Vocational Program and accessed decent employment and 2 youth-lead social transformation initiatives have been established and supported through Being the Change.

Target demographics: At-risk youth

Direct beneficiaries per year: 67 at-risk youth participated in the Lead-Up Discovering Non-Violence Workshops in 5 different countries, 15 youth from Guatemala graduated from the Vocational Program and accessed decent employment, and 2 youth-led projects were established in Guatemala.

Geographic areas served: Lead-Up International is an organization with global impact

Programs: Discovering Non-Violence:A set of workshops that teach at-risk youth about non-violent communication, trust-based relationships and empowered yet peaceful leadership through lessons with horses and specifically through the embodied experience of Join-UpĀ®. Lead-Up Vocational Program:A 5 to 8 week program which uses an innovative and holistic approach to vocational training, addressing the complex psychological and emotional factors that often prevent at-risk youth from accessing and retaining decent work. Being the Change:A mentoring program that consists of follow-up and empowerment actions to encourage the Lead-Up Champions to lead and coordinate their own projects, activities and social transformation initiatives with the direct support of the organization.
304 13 str North, Cold Spring, MN 56320
Children & Youth
Cold Spring
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