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Causes: Animals, Bird Sanctuaries

Mission: Parrots can live up to 80 years oldThe qualities that draw people to parrots-intelligence, social ability and long lives also render them as unsuitable pets for the average personParrots are likely the 3rd most popular pet in the United StatesMany parrots are still closely linked their wild ancestors Parrots are active complicated birds and have very different needs than other pets like dogs and catsParrots can suffer difficulties such as grief, trauma, loneliness and boredom Many parrots have multiple homes in their lifetime Parrots bond with their mate albeit human or bird for lifeThe demand for MEBS to take in parrots has exploded particularly from Baby Boomers due to health issues, moving and passing away. There are not enough facilities like ours to keep up with the demand and we are experiencing a companion parrot crisis.

Results: Provide care for 175 forgotten, abused, neglected and abandoned parrots

Target demographics: Protect and prevent the suffering of parrots living in captivity

Geographic areas served: Texas and across the United States

Programs: Disaster emergency shelter, temporary shelter, life long sanctuary, adoption services, education and assisting local human societies.
19703 Turtle Creek Lane, Magnolia, TX 77355
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