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Causes: Child Abuse Prevention, Crime & Law, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Sexual Abuse Prevention, Sexual Assault Services

Mission: At MaleSurvivor. org we are committed to preventing, healing and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men through treatment, research, education, advocacy and activism. Visit our website MaleSurvivor. org to access our free discussion forum and chat.

Results: Every day MaleSurvivor provides hope, healing, and support to thousands of people through our programs:In 2o21, MaleSurvivor is celebrating its 26th year since being founded in 1995.

Target demographics: Provide Hope, Healing, and Support to male survivors of sexual trauma and their partners in recovery

Direct beneficiaries per year: At www. MaleSurvivor. org over 100,000 users accessed more than 2 million pages on our website in the past year; more than 120 male survivors who attended a MaleSurvivor organized recovery event; more than 3000 professionals who attended a MaleSurvivor training.

Geographic areas served: USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, Latin America, South America

Programs: Robust & Active Online Discussion Forum & Online ChatWebinars for Survivors and TherapistsWeekend of RecoveryInternational conferenceDiscussion board and Chat RoomResource DirectoriesProfessional TrainingsCommunity Awareness
350 Central Park West Suite 1H, New York, NY 10025
Crime & Law
New York
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