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Causes: Congregate Meals, Food, Meals on Wheels, Nutrition

Mission: Meals on Wheels Association of America, formerly known as the National Association of Meal Programs, was founded in 1974 to work toward the social, physical, nutritional, and economic betterment of vulnerable Americans. MOWAA member programs throughout the country provide hot, nutritious meals and other nutrition services to men and women who are elderly, homebound, disabled, frail, or at risk. These services significantly improve the quality of life and health of the individuals they serve and postpone early institutionalization. MOWAA's primary role is to furnish support to meal programs through expert training, technical assistance and financial assistance, primarily in the form of grants and training scholarships.

Target demographics: the elderly and the disabled

Direct beneficiaries per year: 1100 unduplicated meal recipients

Geographic areas served: Lackawanna County, PA

Programs: home delivered meals
541 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, PA 18509
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