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Causes: Children & Youth, Eating Disorders & Addictions, Mental Health, Mental Health Associations, Youth Development

Mission: Mental Fitness connects evidence-based, arts-focused prevention programs to schools that build resilience in all youth.

Results: Now in our tenth year, Mental Fitness has served over 1,000,000 participants through our live workshops, online tools, courses and websites.

Target demographics: prevention emotional distress and mental health disorders.

Geographic areas served: K-12 schools to connect evidence-based programs that build resilience in all youth.

Programs: Presentation of programs to student populations: mfi presented its evidence-based tiered trainings and documentary film seminars (ed 101 and speaking out about ed seminars), and programs featuring mental health professional specializing in eating disorders and other persons with personal experience of eating disorders in schools, universities and venues throughout south carolina, wisconsin, connecticut and new york. More than 11,627 audience members participated in our live trainings and programs and over 707,000 visited our myriad online tools and various websites.

presentation of mfi trainings for health professionals: the mental fitness nonprofit launched more than 100 professional development trainings in districts throughout spartanburg, sc schools, as well as in weston, ct and at two state conferences: the south carolina upstate guidance counselor conference in january, 2014 and the wisconsin association of school nurses conference in april, 2014.In total, mental fitness reached more than 1,200 faculty, staff and school clinicians in the live tiered training initiative, with a total of 383 participants sharing data in pre- and post- program surveys created by a ph. D. Candidate at harvard school of public health and measured by a ph. D. Researcher at coastal carolina.

mental fitness produced a self-esteem stomp in april 2014 in collaboration with the ymca of greater spartanburg and girls on the run. The self esteem stomp begins with a family friendly 1 mile or 3 mile walk and ends with the nourish interactive arts park where families can learn about the 7 protective categories that build mental fitness including tips for building: stress management, healthy body image, mindfulness, critical thinking, nourishing body & mind, social-emotional skills and community connections. In 2014, the self esteem stomp had over 400 participants.

virtual online resources: iin 2014, mfi further enhanced its online tools and resources so families nationwide have access to critical educational materials and prevention research. Online tools such as the b: resilient prevention platform, youtube channel of films, think eat play website, beneath the floorboards website, weight stigma awareness films, q&a with medical expert films, sharecare medical website (dr. Oz), we are the real deal blog, eating disorder recovery yoga blog, facebook and twitter programs were improved and enhanced to teach a nationwide audience about the issues relating to eating disorders, obesity and wellness

nourish - a live center based in spartanburg, sc which provides interactive workshops for children, parents and educators that build mental fitness.

other miscellaneous programs related to carrying out the organization's exempt purpose eating disorder awareness week and eating for life alliance.
160 East Saint John Street 3rd Floor, Spartanburg, SC 29306
Children & Youth
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