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Causes: Health, International, International Migration & Refugee Issues, Public Health

Mission: Our mission is to create practical solutions at the intersection of vulnerability, migration, and health.

Results: MCN has over 35 years of experience working with clinicians and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) through extensive technical assistance and training. Technical assistance provided through MCN affords many of the key elements needed to foster knowledge, creative solutions, and improved care. Clinically relevant information is disseminated via a number of sources including MCN’s quarterly clinical publication Streamline, workshops at conferences, and trainings on-site at clinics and health departments, via MCN’s website, and through our partners. We have expanded our program reach to include environmental and occupational health training and outreach with hard-to-reach immigrant workers in industries like dairy and poultry processing. We continually create educational material that is available for free, including our very popular comic books on various health and safety topics. Our bridge case management has expanded significantly, now reaching people in 114 countries and enrolling new clinics and patients every day. Our success rates with TB treatment completion are especially impressive. Health Network has consistently posted a completion rate above 84% for patients who are moving, approaching the US non-mobile completion rate of 87%. While we are extremely proud of what we have accomplished and of the fact that each year we are more successful than the last, there are still things we would like to accomplish. Most importantly, we would like migration to no longer be an impediment to receiving consistent, high quality, health care. We are taking strides to make this dream a reality but we still have a long way to go.

Target demographics: Migrants, immigrants, refugees, and others who are vulnerable to disruption in care.

Direct beneficiaries per year: The following figures, comprised of data from 2018, illustrate the extent of MCN’s reach: 94,142 technical assistance encounters for expertise, services, and technical support; provided technical assistance in 833 locations around the world; 29 trainings held; 500 clinicians trained; a total of 1,764 continuing education hours; 265,368 unique visitors to our website; 25% increase in blog subscribers; 25 full-time and 8 part-time staff; 15 bilingual staff; and $95,525 received from donors, primarily from crowdfunding campaigns

Geographic areas served: The United States and internationally.

Programs: Migrant Clinicians Network is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides support, technical assistance, and professional development to clinicians in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and other health care delivery sites. Through webinars, on-the-ground trainings, resource development, and advocacy, MCN enables clinicians to provide quality health care, increased access, and reduced disparities for people who need ongoing care but are experiencing outside forces that exacerbate their vulnerability. We also provide virtual case management directly to patients who may otherwise be lost to follow-up because of their need to move, through our innovative program Health Network. We directly serve anyone with any ongoing health need who, because of their vulnerabilities, may be unable to continue their needed treatment plan as a result of the choice to migrate or forced displacement. We serve farmworkers and dairy workers, temporary day laborers, short-term migrants returning for a visit to their country of origin, and refugees forced from their homes, fleeing disease, violence, climate catastrophe, or economic instability. MCN is a global organization with more than 10,000 constituents. Our work is overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of frontline clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and academics with experience in and commitment to health equity. MCN employs a professional staff of 30, based in five offices across the mainland US and in Puerto Rico. MCN engages in research, develops and distributes much-needed resources, advocates for patients and clinicians, engages outside partners, is a leader in environmental and occupational health, and runs programs that support clinical care on the frontline of migrant health.
P.O. Box 164285, Austin, TX 78716
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