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Causes: Education

Mission: Moveon is an issue-oriented, primarily non-partisan organization giving people a voice in shaping the laws that affect our lives. Moveon engages people in the civic process, using the internet to democratically determine a non-partisan agenda, to raise public awareness of pressing issues and to coordinate grassroots advocacy campaigns to encourage sound public policies.

Programs: Moveon. Org civic action is a community of millions of americans from all walks of life who use innovative technology to lead, participate in, and win campaigns for progressive change. In the trump era, moveon. Org civic action has emerged as a key leader in a vibrant grassroots resistance movement, helping millions of americans make their voices heard in powerful opposition to the trump administration's policies that have attacked our democracy, our diverse communities, and our best values as americans. As such, highlights of moveon. Org civic action's campaigns during the fiscal year ending 2017 included fighting for access to health care, organizing opposition to trumps disastrous tax scam, resisting the muslim ban and islamophobia, standing with dreamers and fighting for immigrant families, and helping support independent investigations into allegations of corruption, obstruction of justice, and other crimes by the trump administration. Civic action also assisted moveon members to contribute millions of dollars directly to humanitarian relief organizations in the wake of hurricanes in puerto rico, texas, and florida.

moveon. Org civic actions resistance summer was our summer-long training program, with 1,000 moveon members in all 50 states learning how to organize and mobilize their communities to stand up and take action for progressive values. Moveon mobilizers organized over 1,450 events in over 230 congressional districts. Mobilizers helped save health care for tens of millions of americans, with over 490 high-impact neighborhood canvassing events against trumpcare and for medicare for all. Many mobilizers also organized vigils in the wake of the charlottesville, virginia, attack and, through organizing events, phone calls, and digital outreach, helped put pressure on lawmakers to stand up to white supremacy.

moveon. Org civic action defended the affordable care act, protecting tens of millions of americans access to health care. Moveon members alone organized more than 2,800 grassroots health care events, made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to congress, held rallies around the country that generated wall-to-wall local news coverage, and worked hand-in-glove with dozens of partner organizations to defeat repeal efforts. While tax reform did unfortunately eliminate one important piece of the law, the vast majority of the aca remains intact, including the health care exchanges, the ability of parents to extend coverage to their children until the age of 26, protections for those with preexisting conditions, and the medicaid expansion which has covered more than 15 million people.
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