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Causes: Congregate Meals, Food, Food Programs, Meals on Wheels

Mission: Founded in 1982 and rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethics of love of God and neighbor, My Brother's Table stands ready to feed the hungry and to serve all who come in need regardless of race, color, creed or sex. Meals are provided in an atmosphere of welcome wherein guests are treated with love and dignity. Through the congeniality of table service, staff and volunteers may build a caring relationship with guests. My Brother's Table neither seeks nor receives any United Way or government funds and relies solely on the community for support. We believe that we are better able to serve our guests without funding sources that would require us to ask intrusive eligibility-related questions. We further believe that treating people with respect includes allowing them to determine for themselves whether or not they need help. We are the largest volunteer organization in the City of Lynn, utilizing 2,500 volunteers annually from all walks of life.

Programs: Hunger resources program - provides daily meals to hungry, wic education and infant formula, nutrition education, food stamp assistance, meals to those confined to homes and those incarcerated, free medical clinic, and art therapy. Serves approximately 186,000 meals annually.

volunteer program - plans and coordinates approximately 25 individuals/day for preparing, catering or clean-up in conjunction with the hunger resources program

advocacy program - works with area social service agencies and community development on strategies for health care, housing and employment, and legal services for area needy and homeless
98 Willow St, Lynn, MA 01901
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