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Causes: Alliances & Advocacy, Arts & Culture, Children & Youth, Civil Rights, Intergroup & Race Relations, Race, Youth Development Programs

Mission: NCCJ is a human relations organization. We work to build communities free of bias, bigotry and racism by promoting understanding and respect among all cultures, races and religions. Together, we can bridge the divide and build communities that better understand how to work and live together. We create respectful and compassionate spaces where people can let down their guard, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, face difficult issues and ask tough questions. These kinds of interactions help communities move to a place of less hostility and greater understanding, acceptance, and collaboration.

Target demographics: people of all ages, from teens to retirees

Direct beneficiaries per year: 4,436 youth and adults.

Geographic areas served: North Carolina

Programs: Anytown; STARR: Students Talking About Race + Racism; the Youth Leadership Conference; The Reset; and Open Minds, Respectful Voices
713 N Greene Street, Greensboro, NC 27401
Arts & Culture
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