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Mission: Nssf's purpose is to promote the shooting sports and foster a better understanding of recreational shooting. Nssf works for the general welfare of hunting, target shooting, firearms safety, and an understanding of proper and correct handling of sporting firearms.

Programs: Shot show - nssf held its annual trade show during the year. This event allows members of the shooting, hunting, and outdoor trade to showcase their products and services and share information about the latest developments in the industry.

government relations - nssf protects the firearms industry through coordination with political, regulatory, and membership organizations. Not only does nssf protect the industry's best interests in washington, d. C. , but it also aggressively guards against attacks in state capitals throughout the country.

safety & education - nssf published and distributed various newsletters, pamphlets and publications to its members and the general public to educate them on the safe use of sporting firearms, various sport shooting events, and to promote wildlife conservation programs related to the shooting sports. Nssf also promotes gun safety by distributing gun locks and other gun safety materials.
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