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Causes: Arts & Culture, Arts, Culture & Humanities, Performing Arts, Support, Theater

Mission: Founded in 1990, New 42 is an independent nonprofit organization charged with the continuous cultural revival of 42nd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, building on the foundation of seven historic theaters to make extraordinary performing arts and cultural engagement part of everyone’s life. The New 42nd Street fulfills this purpose by ensuring the ongoing vibrancy of 42nd Street’s historic theaters; supporting performing artists in the creation of their work at the New 42nd Street Studios and The Duke on 42nd Street; creating arts access and education at The New Victory Theater, New York’s premier theater for kids and families; and through the New 42nd Street Youth Corps, its model youth development initiative, which pairs life skills workshops and mentorship with paid employment in the arts for NYC youth. Inspired by the city it serves, The New 42nd Street is committed to the transformational power of the arts.

Results: Since opening in 1995, New Victory has introduced over 1.5 million kids and adults to a broad spectrum of performing arts from around the world.

Target demographics: to promote performing arts engagement for all, especially young New Yorkers

Direct beneficiaries per year: 40,000 kids from over 180 schools, camps and after-school programs see live performances and participate in free pre- and post-show classroom workshops through our Education Partnerships, and 50-75 youth are employed annually through the New 42nd Street Youth Corps, our youth development program.

Geographic areas served: New York City and surrounding areas

Programs: In its 21st full season, New Victory presented an international and culturally diverse range of productions from Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Northern Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania and the United States, representing a variety of artistic genres. The theater offered 198 public and 99 school performances of captivating work for young audiences that were attended by 63,495 members of the public, and 32,936 students and teachers. Regular ticket prices for public shows ranged from $10 to a maximum of $55 for a special holiday presentation, which helped to make tickets affordable for everyone. Tickets for students participating in the new victory theater's education partnership program cost only $2 each, as they have since the theater opened. The partnership program also sent 56 new victory teaching artists into classrooms across NYC to conduct 1300 pre- and post-performance workshops at no cost to kids, teachers or schools, and teachers participating in the program also received free professional development from new victory staff and teaching artists, and access to new victory school tool curriculum resource guides for every production in the season.  In July 2016, New Victory also presented the third season of New Victory Dance, a 3-week performance series for kids in summer schools, subsidized day camps and social service programs. Featuring nine prominent NYC dance companies, the series included nine daytime shows that were free of charge for the kids and their chaperones, as well as three evening performances for the public at a ticket price of $10.The summer schools, camps and programs were also offered free pre-performance workshops given by New Victory Teaching Artists, along with Victory Dance curriculum guides. The New Victory LabWorks residency program, celebrating its fifth year in fy 17, is an artistic programming initiative that was created to foster the development of innovative work for family audiences and advocate for the importance of high-quality performing arts for young people. Each year, through this program, selected NYC-based artists to receive rehearsal space, support and feedback from the New Victory, including open rehearsals for invited audiences of New Victory member families.  Fy 17 also marked the fourth year (of five) of New Victory SPARK (Schools with Performing Arts Reach Kids). This program serves NYC public schools identified as "arts-deprived. " In FY17,  SPARK expanded to 26 classes in 6 schools, engaging 700 students (grades 3-8). Students, teachers, parents and administrators at these schools have become regular visitors to the New Victory and are engaging in extensive arts programs at their schools, rooted in the exemplary artistic work on the New Victory stage. Furthermore, in collaboration with research expert WolfBrown, the New Victory has developed measurement tools and is collecting data to understand the intrinsic impact of this deep level of arts engagement on the program participants.  Continuing its mission to provide paid employment for New York City youth, the New Victory's Usher Corps program, a three-year on-the-job training program, employed 48 teens to work in the theater, while the New 42 Apprentice Program provided training in theater, office and production skills for 32 college-age students throughout the course of the year. The two programs together provided over 26,000 hours of paid employment to NYC youth in 2017.New 42's not-for-profit New 42 Studios, now in its 17th year of operations, is administrative home to five not-for-profit cultural organizations, and annually provides year-round, state-of-the-art rehearsal and performance space to countless performing artists. This 10-story building, completed in the fall of 2000, plays a vital role in the performing arts community. In 2017,58 not-for-profit dance, theater and opera companies held rehearsals, auditions or showcases in New 42 Studios at highly subsidized rental rates. While the preponderance of usage was by not-for-profit organizations, they were joined by many commercial broadway, off-broadway and touring productions that paid full market rates. In addition, the duke on 42nd street, the black box theater located on the 2nd floor of New 42 Studios, was lit with nine non-profit theater and dance companies over a 38-week season. The theater was also used by artists as a rehearsal and workshop space.
229 West 42nd St 10th Floor, New York, NY 10036
Arts & Culture
New York
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